CryptoTrackerBot - check cryptocurrencies prices on telegram
/price - return price of crypto
/help - return help message
/rank - return coins rank
/graph - return coins graph
Note: If this bot is added in groups as admin, in order to keep the chat clean of spam, after few seconds it deletes both the command issued by the user and the message sent by the bot.
- Move to the path where you want to create the virtualenv directory
cd path
- Create a folder containing the env named
virtualenv -p python3 ctbenv
- Install the bot from the zip
ctbenv/bin/pip install
- Run the bot. The first parameter of the command is the token.
ctbenv/bin/cryptotrackerbot token
- To upgrade the bot:
ctbenv/bin/pip install --upgrade
- To delete everything:
rm -rf ctbenv