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Diablo World Client – Client Code Chinese Annotation (part)

9miao Mobile Game edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Diablo World Client – Client Code Chinese Annotation (part)

Program operating steps:

  1. loginregister\logo.h program splash screen logo, there is an action class, it will automatically switch scene in two seconds.
  2. loginregister\LayerLogin.h login interface
  3. CData.h some operation classes in system for playing audio files
  4. extentionClass\network\SocketManager.h client Socket management class, a singleton. There is server address and port in startSocket method.
  5. extentionClass\network\SocketClient.h SocketClient it has two threads for sending and receiving messages.
  6. Loading.h wait for UIAlert
  7. headFile\zhujieMian\homepage.h homepage, send message [4500] to server when init, and then start timer to wait reply from server. Initializing form ‘initTitle,btnsLoading,zhuangtaiLoad’ after receiving the reply.
  8. headFile\zhujieMian\levelMap.h clkBuilding click a instance for responding to event
  9. headFile\zhujieMian\popwindow.h it pops up interface, call displaying form after clicking instance. buildingpop::fight: send combat request.
  10. FireWork.h battle scenes presentation class.