The lates working code is Photoframe_firmware--04-02-2025
located in code
IMPORTANT! for this code to compile you will have to copy library from Code/library for dht11
to your Arduino library folder
- Cad files
|- Assembly
|- freecad
|- step
|- STL
- Code
|- allTest_01
|- library for dht11
|- Photoframe_firmware--04-02-2025
|- test programs
- Graphics
|- Otsi
- Photos to SD
Cad files
- folder containing step models, STL meshes and freecad project. Also contains folder with freecad assembly - A2plusCode
- folder containing test programs for the whole photoframe program used to test individual components as well as completed code. Contains library for dht11 sensorGraphics
- folder containing all graphics, including 240x120px OtsiPhotos to SD
- folder containing bitmaps of all photos that are gonna be displayed
- 24bit bitmap
- 320px height
- 240px width