Craft version for open source communities to record the contributors's monthly detail contribution on-chain.
├── contracts/ # Smart contract files
│ ├── src/ # Contract source files
│ │ └── PointsRecord.sol # Main contract
│ ├── test/ # Contract test files
│ ├── script/ # Deployment scripts
│ └── foundry.toml # Foundry configuration
├── src/ # Frontend application
│ ├── app/ # Next.js app directory
│ ├── components/ # React components
│ ├── config/ # Configuration files
│ └── types/ # TypeScript type definitions
└── ...
- Login with AirAccount, please follow this demo to create account and login with AirAccount:
- Set your nick name, default is your AirAccount address, save it to the record contract.
- Enter a new monthly record:
- Add a new detail item: a item with 4 fields:
- Date and time(auto filled with today's date and time)
- Contribution Type: code, design, doc, operation, other.
- Contribution Detail: post some links or other credentials
- Contribution Hours: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- You can add multiple items in one time in a form.
- View all records: list with pagination by 10 records per page.
- View your records: list with pagination by 10 records per page.
- There will be a button to generate a summary of your contribution in the last month.
- We will create a new contract to store the records on Optimism Sepolia.
points-record/contracts [ ./ [⠢] Compiling... [⠃] Compiling 2 files with Solc 0.8.19 [⠊] Solc 0.8.19 finished in 3.64s Compiler run successful! Traces: [785829] DeployPointsRecord::run() ├─ [0] VM::startBroadcast() │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [749579] → new PointsRecord@0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53 │ └─ ← [Return] 3744 bytes of code ├─ [0] VM::stopBroadcast() │ └─ ← [Return] └─ ← [Return] PointsRecord: [0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53]
Script ran successfully.
== Return == 0: contract PointsRecord 0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53
========================== Simulated On-chain Traces:
[749579] → new PointsRecord@0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53 └─ ← [Return] 3744 bytes of code
Chain 11155420
Estimated gas price: 0.000050756 gwei
Estimated total gas used for script: 1120115
Estimated amount required: 0.00000005685255694 ETH
✅ [Success]Hash: 0xe5f1ee28ce758e4afc715f7974780b79eb81983865c41938cd5a7cde53dae0e8 Contract Address: 0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53 Block: 20889138 Paid: 0.000000000651568428 ETH (861863 gas * 0.000000756 gwei)
✅ Sequence #1 on optimism-sepolia | Total Paid: 0.000000000651568428 ETH (861863 gas * avg 0.000000756 gwei)
Start verification for (1) contracts
Start verifying contract 0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53
deployed on optimism-sepolia
Submitting verification for [src/PointsRecord.sol:PointsRecord] 0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53.
Encountered an error verifying this contract:
Response: NOTOK
Details: Invalid API Key (#err3)
points-record/contracts [ main * ] 9:15 PM
./ main * ] 9:20 PM
Start verifying contract 0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53
deployed on optimism-sepolia
Submitting verification for [src/PointsRecord.sol:PointsRecord] 0xf7833c6e5160ab6468E6CDa4672f638B4a59Cc53.
Encountered an error verifying this contract:
Response: NOTOK
Details: Invalid API Key (#err3)