Creating Jazz Music using LSTM model.
-> NumPy
-> SciPy
-> Matplotlib
In addition to the above dependencies,you'll need a couple of specialized music libraries for Python:
-> music21 - for MIDI data extraction
-> grammar - Extract, manipulate, process musical grammar
Author: Ji-Sung Kim, Evan Chow
Project: jazzml / (used in) deepjazz
-> midi - A script which converts MIDI files to WAV and optionally to MP3 using ffmpeg. Works by playing each file and using the stereo mix device to record at the same time.
Author: Addy771
-> preprocess - Parse, cleanup and process data.
Author: Ji-Sung Kim
Project: deepjazz
-> qa - Provide pruning and cleanup functions.
Author: Ji-Sung Kim, Evan Chow
Project: deepjazz