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Also added a function in `BaseRouterSpec` to add a second b-c channel for the batch splice test in `Routerspec`. The alternative to adding a 2nd b-c channel in `BaseRouterSpec` for all tests requires too many other tests to need updating.
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remyers committed Feb 3, 2025
1 parent 8baaeb1 commit 69db84b
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Showing 3 changed files with 205 additions and 128 deletions.
46 changes: 19 additions & 27 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/router/Validation.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,25 +113,16 @@ object Validation {
log.debug("validation successful for shortChannelId={}", c.shortChannelId)
remoteOrigins.foreach(o => sendDecision(o.peerConnection, GossipDecision.Accepted(c)))
val capacity = tx.txOut(outputIndex).amount
val parentScid = d0.spentChannels.get(tx.txid).flatMap { parentScids =>
parentScids.find { parentScid =>
d0.channels.get(parentScid).exists { parent =>
Set(c.nodeId1, c.nodeId2) == Set(parent.nodeId1, parent.nodeId2)
parentScid match {
case Some(parentScid) =>
d0.channels.get(parentScid) match {
case Some(parentChannel) =>
Some(updateSplicedPublicChannel(d0, nodeParams, watcher, c, tx.txid, capacity, parentChannel))
case None =>
log.error("spent parent channel shortChannelId={} not found for splice shortChannelId={}", parentScid, c.shortChannelId)
val spendingTxs = d0.spentChannels.filter(_._2 == parentScid).keySet
spendingTxs.foreach(txId => watcher ! UnwatchTxConfirmed(txId))
val d1 = d0.copy(spentChannels = d0.spentChannels -- spendingTxs)
Some(addPublicChannel(d1, nodeParams, watcher, c, tx.txid, capacity, None))
// A single transaction may splice multiple channels (batching), in which case we have multiple parent
// channels. We cannot know which parent channel this announcement corresponds to, but it doesn't matter.
// We only need to update one of the parent channels between the same set of nodes to correctly update
// our graph.
val parentChannel_opt = d0.spentChannels
.getOrElse(tx.txid, Set.empty)
.find(parent => parent.nodeId1 == c.nodeId1 && parent.nodeId2 == c.nodeId2)
parentChannel_opt match {
case Some(parentChannel) => Some(updateSplicedPublicChannel(d0, nodeParams, watcher, c, tx.txid, capacity, parentChannel))
case None => Some(addPublicChannel(d0, nodeParams, watcher, c, tx.txid, capacity, None))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +193,8 @@ object Validation {
case (txId, parentScids) if (parentScids - parentChannel.shortChannelId).nonEmpty =>
txId -> (parentScids - parentChannel.shortChannelId)
(d.spentChannels -- spentChannels1.keys).keys.foreach(txId => watcher ! UnwatchTxConfirmed(txId))

// No need to keep watching transactions that have been removed from spentChannels.
(d.spentChannels.keySet -- spentChannels1.keys).foreach(txId => watcher ! UnwatchTxConfirmed(txId))
// we also add the splice scid -> channelId and remove the parent scid -> channelId mappings
channels = d.channels + (newPubChan.shortChannelId -> newPubChan) - parentChannel.shortChannelId,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,15 +270,14 @@ object Validation {

def handleChannelSpent(d: Data, watcher: typed.ActorRef[ZmqWatcher.Command], db: NetworkDb, spendingTxId: TxId, shortChannelIds: Set[RealShortChannelId])(implicit ctx: ActorContext, log: LoggingAdapter): Data = {
implicit val sender: ActorRef = ctx.self // necessary to preserve origin when sending messages to other actors

val lostChannels = => d.channels.get(shortChannelId).orElse(d.prunedChannels.get(shortChannelId)).get)"funding tx for channelIds={} was spent", shortChannelIds)
val lostChannels = shortChannelIds.flatMap(shortChannelId => d.channels.get(shortChannelId).orElse(d.prunedChannels.get(shortChannelId)))"funding tx for channelIds={} was spent", shortChannelIds.mkString(","))
// we need to remove nodes that aren't tied to any channels anymore
val channels1 = d.channels -- shortChannelIds
val prunedChannels1 = d.prunedChannels -- shortChannelIds
val lostNodes = lostChannels.flatMap(lostChannel => Seq(lostChannel.nodeId1, lostChannel.nodeId2).filterNot(nodeId => hasChannels(nodeId, channels1.values)))
// let's clean the db and send the events"pruning shortChannelIds={} (spent)", shortChannelIds)"pruning shortChannelIds={} (spent)", shortChannelIds.mkString(","))
shortChannelIds.foreach(db.removeChannel(_)) // NB: this also removes channel updates
// we also need to remove updates from the graph
val graphWithBalances1 = lostChannels.foldLeft(d.graphWithBalances) { (graph, lostChannel) =>
Expand All @@ -309,9 +299,11 @@ object Validation {
watcher ! UnwatchExternalChannelSpent(lostChannel.fundingTxId, outputIndex(lostChannel.ann.shortChannelId))

// We do not need to track other spending txs if one or more of their inputs have been spent by this spending tx
// We may have received RBF candidates for this splice: we can find them by looking at transactions that spend one
// of the channels we're removing (note that they may spend a slightly different set of channels).
// Those transactions cannot confirm anymore (they have been double-spent by the current one), so we should stop
// watching them.
val spendingTxs = d.spentChannels.filter(_._2.intersect(shortChannelIds).nonEmpty).keySet
// stop watching the spending txs that will never confirm because this alternate spending tx confirmed
(spendingTxs - spendingTxId).foreach(txId => watcher ! UnwatchTxConfirmed(txId))
val spentChannels1 = d.spentChannels -- spendingTxs
d.copy(nodes = d.nodes -- lostNodes, channels = channels1, prunedChannels = prunedChannels1, graphWithBalances = graphWithBalances1, spentChannels = spentChannels1)
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,6 +231,42 @@ abstract class BaseRouterSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunSuiteLi

def addChannel(router: ActorRef, watcher: TestProbe, scid: RealShortChannelId, priv1: PrivateKey, priv2: PrivateKey, priv_funding1: PrivateKey, priv_funding2: PrivateKey): (ChannelAnnouncement, ChannelUpdate, ChannelUpdate) = {
val channelAnnoucement = channelAnnouncement(scid, priv1, priv2, priv_funding1, priv_funding2)
val pub1 = priv1.publicKey
val pub2 = priv2.publicKey
val update1 = makeChannelUpdate(Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash, priv1, pub2, scid, CltvExpiryDelta(7), htlcMinimumMsat = 0 msat, feeBaseMsat = 10 msat, feeProportionalMillionths = 10, htlcMaximumMsat = htlcMaximum)
val update2 = makeChannelUpdate(Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash, priv2, pub1, scid, CltvExpiryDelta(7), htlcMinimumMsat = 0 msat, feeBaseMsat = 10 msat, feeProportionalMillionths = 10, htlcMaximumMsat = htlcMaximum)
val pub_funding1 = priv_funding1.publicKey
val pub_funding2 = priv_funding2.publicKey
assert(ChannelDesc(update1, channelAnnoucement) == ChannelDesc(channelAnnoucement.shortChannelId, pub1, pub2))
val sender1 = TestProbe()
val peerConnection = TestProbe()
peerConnection.ignoreMsg { case _: TransportHandler.ReadAck => true }
peerConnection.send(router, PeerRoutingMessage(peerConnection.ref, remoteNodeId, channelAnnoucement))
peerConnection.send(router, PeerRoutingMessage(peerConnection.ref, remoteNodeId, update1))
peerConnection.send(router, PeerRoutingMessage(peerConnection.ref, remoteNodeId, update2))
assert(watcher.expectMsgType[ValidateRequest].ann == channelAnnoucement)
watcher.send(router, ValidateResult(channelAnnoucement, Right((Transaction(version = 0, txIn = Nil, txOut = TxOut(publicChannelCapacity, write(pay2wsh(Scripts.multiSig2of2(pub_funding1, pub_funding2)))) :: Nil, lockTime = 0), UtxoStatus.Unspent))))
assert(watcher.expectMsgType[WatchExternalChannelSpent].shortChannelId == scid)
sender1.send(router, GetNodes)
val nodes = sender1.expectMsgType[Iterable[NodeAnnouncement]]
sender1.send(router, GetChannels)
val channels = sender1.expectMsgType[Iterable[ChannelAnnouncement]]
sender1.send(router, GetChannelUpdates)
val updates = sender1.expectMsgType[Iterable[ChannelUpdate]]
nodes.size == 8 && channels.size == 6 && updates.size == 14
}, max = 10 seconds, interval = 1 second)
(channelAnnoucement, update1, update2)


object BaseRouterSpec {
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