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ANYCUBIC-3D edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Vyper wiki!

How to build

  1. Install the VSCode IDE - download and run the installer from the Setting up Visual Studio Code page.

  2. Install PlatformIO for VSCode following the instructions here.

  3. Download/clone the Vyper firmware here and its driver here.

  4. Open the downloaded Vyper firmware in VSCode (File > Open Folder...)

  5. Open the PlatformIO panel, and locate the env:ac_tri_f1 menu:

  6. Click the Build button in the env:ac_tri_f1 menu, and wait for the build process to run

    ![](images/board ac_tri_f1.png)

  7. When it is completed, you should see a success message as below:

  8. If failed, copy the vyper driver directory framework-arduinoststm32_vyper to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.platformio\packages, remove original framework-arduinoststm32 directory, the rename vyper's driver framework-arduinoststm32_vyper to framework-arduinoststm32

  9. Copy the file ac_tri_f103re.json in framework-arduinoststm32 to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.platformio\platforms\ststm32\boards

  10. Rebuild it again.

How to flash to the mainboard

  1. Format the SD card.

  2. Open the directory Marlin\.pio\build\ac_tri_f1\debug, you can find firmware.bin. if you want to keep the eeprom, just rename firmware.bin to main_board_20xxxxxx.bin and goto step 4

  3. if you modified some settings in configuration.h or configuration_adv.h that already being saved in eeprom, then you have to erase the eeprom, as for the eeprom is laid on the last 4k bytes of the total flash, we can expand our generated bin file to the flash size, here is the tool, download it, just drag the firmware.bin over the firmware_release.exe, it will generate main_board_2xxxxxxxx_erase_eeprom.bin, copy the main_board_20xxxxxx.bin to the root directory of SD card.

  4. Power off the Vyper printer, insert the SD card, then power on the printer, upgrading program will automatically start. The whole upgrading process will elapse more than ten seconds, once done, it will go to the main window, then power off the machine, remove the bin file in the card to avoid duplicated flashing.

  5. Power on the Vyper printer, the firmware upgrade is done, check your modifications.

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