A java library for bootstrapping a web application with java backend, and ldf+mustache frontend
implementation 'codes.fepi:ldfSpark:1.1'
To get started look at the example in the test dir
This library is supposed to greatly simplify creating a new application with my ldf framework
The user only has to implement a Handler Class for handling the page content (annotated with @PageHandler):
public class Handler {
public Object index() {
return "page content";
public Object otherPage(Request req) {
return "other page content";
public Object login(Request req, Response res) {
return "login page content";
The method names correspond to the page names, if a method for a page doesn't exist, the page will 404. The page names also correspond to the template names.
For example:
- Template file called login.html in template folder
- Method in PageHandler public static Object login()
If you include ldf in the index.html in the public folder like this and disable hashurls then calling host/login will result in login.html being responded with the content of the login() method.
In the resources directory you will have to have 2 folders,
- one for static resources (default "public")
- one for the mustache-flavored template pages (default "templates")
To start the server/logic you have to call
LdfSpark.start("templateFolder", "publicFolder");
also you have to configure your spark config beforehand (like the port used) like this: