Put this code into keys.js:
module.exports = {
mongoURI: "mongodb://YOUR MONGOURI GOES HERE",
secretOrKey: "secret"
- College Students want/need to go places. But only half of them have a car.
- College Students may want to do something but don't know where to go.
- They use Tag-Along to find friends already going in their direction, then "Tag-Along".
- They scroll through their Tag-Along feed to see what everyone is up to, then join a trip.
- Serve relevant ads to users (location) from local venues.
- Get venues to pay for the "college-student" demographic.
- Price is based on impressions, clicks, and Trip signups
- Adventurer Upgrade.
- Get access to exclusive deals in your area.
- Advertisers know that these are paying individuals which means they are even more likely to spend money.
- Color themes
- Can send up 1 push notifications a week to friends.