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Releases: AY2324S2-CS2103T-T12-3/tp


15 Apr 07:42
Choose a tag to compare

Fixed bugs listed in PED, updated documentation.


05 Apr 01:19
Choose a tag to compare

Some bug fixes!


04 Apr 15:58
Choose a tag to compare

v1.3 Release.

Details can be found in user guide attached. Please let the user guide load for ~5 seconds in ur pdf reader before clicking the hyperlinks!

Enjoy using Hi:Re!

v1.3.trial JAR release

28 Mar 18:32
Choose a tag to compare

Based on latest features

[> for edit]
[? for find]
[f2 for toggle display]
[- deleteCommand now has a prompt confirmation before deletion]


21 Mar 14:37
Choose a tag to compare


The one stop HR application for HR managers of small companies currently not using a HR application or large non-profit companies with no financial settings for a HR application.

Instructions: Download HiRe.jar, then ensure you have java 11.
Open a terminal and go to the directory where the HiRe.jar is located, and run the command java -jar HiRe.jar

Changes from AB3:


1) User Story: As a HR employee, I can add contacts to the application database.

Functionality adapted from AB3: Add contacts to the application with specific fields related to employee information.

Previously stored fields: Name, Handphone, Address, Email, Tags
New stored fields: Name, ID(for company email domain), Handphone
New command format:
+ /name (name) /id (id) /hp (handphone)
+ /name John Doe /id johndoe41 /hp 98765432

All 3 fields are necessary and must be in the order as specified by the command, or an error message will pop up.
ID is unique(no 2 employees should have the same email ID for their company email), so no duplicates of ID allowed.

2) User Story: As a HR employee, I can delete contacts from the application database.

Functionality adapted from AB3: Delete contact from the application with specific unique field to identify employees.

Previously used field for deletion: Index of contact in addressbook
New used field: ID

New command format:
- /id (ID)
- /id johndoe46

Invalid ID submitted will cause an error message to pop up.

3) User Story: As a HR employee, I can toggle between being able to see the entire addressbook and hide it for simplicity.

NEW Functionality: Enables user to toggle the display panel of the application.

Command format:

v1.2b Level:

1) User Story: As a HR employee, I want to be able to see the contacts in the database sorted by names in alphabetical order so that I can look through the database in a more organized manner.

NEW Functionality: Every time a contact is added or deleted, the contacts are sorted in alphabetical order by name.

Command format: NIL

2) User Story: As a first time user, I want to see examples in the database to examine how it should look like when I start using the application for my work, then have it disappear once I start adding actual work contacts into the database.

NEW Functionality: The first time Hi:Re is started up, it displays sample data for the user. Upon a new addition by the user, the sample data disappears.

Command format: NIL