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@modembcc modembcc released this 04 Apr 15:28
· 103 commits to master since this release

Release note v1.3

Find project command

Finds projects whose names contain any of the given keywords. The syntax is find project [KEYWORDS].

List project command

List all projects. It’s usually used after using the find project and filter category command, so that the app can go back to displaying the full project list rather than the filtered list. The syntax is list project.

set name of task in project

Renames a task. This removes the need to delete and add a new task when all you want to do is edit the name of the task. The syntax is set name <NAME> /of <TASK> /in <PROJECT>.

set name of project

Renames a project. Same with renaming a task, but this one’s for the projects in the project list. The syntax is set name <NAME> /of <PROJECT>

Add category command

Adds a category to each project. Each project can only have at most 1 category. The syntax is add category <CATEGORY> /to <PROJECT_NAME>.

Filter by category

Filter projects by category using the filter category command. This feature helps you organize and focus on projects based on their assigned categories. The syntax is filter category <CATEGORY>

Add comment command

Add comments to a project. New column added in task list to display comments. The syntax is add comment <COMMENT> /from <MEMBER_NAME> /to <PROJECT_NAME>.


Add team and delete member from project command

Add team mates to each project. The syntax is assign team <PERSON_NAME_1>[, <PERSON_NAME_2>, <PERSON_NAME_3>, ...] /to <PROJECT_NAME>. We can delete a member from each project as well. The syntax is delete person <PERSON_NAME> /in <PROJECT_NAME>.

set project deadline command

Set a deadline to each project, The format of the deadline is Mmm DD YYYY. The syntax is set deadline <DEADLINE> /to <PROJECT_NAME>.

Set project status command

Mark a project as complete or incomplete. The syntax is set status [complete/incomplete] /of <PROJECT_NAME>.