Shuzhe Wang*, Zakaria Laskar*, Iaroslav Melekhov, Xiaotian Li, Juho Kannala
* Equal Contribution
This is the PyTorch implementation of our paper, Continual Learning for Image-Based Camera Localization. In this paper, we approach the problem of visual localization in a continual learning setup – whereby the model is trained on scenes in an incremental manner. Under this setting, all the scenes are not available during training but encountered sequentially. The results show that our method is memory efficient and has only slightly performance degradation compared to joint training.
The environment is similar to HSCNet. Python3 and the following packages are required:
It is recommended to use a conda environment:
- Install anaconda or miniconda.
- Create the environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
. - Activate the environment:
conda activate hscnet
To run the evaluation script, you will need to build the cython module:
cd ./pnpransac
python build_ext --inplace
We run our experiments on 7-Scenes, 12-Scenes and also 19-Scenes by combining the former scenes. To train/evaluate our code, you need to download the datasets from their website. We also need an additional data package which contains other necessary files for reproducing our results.
The trained models for Buff-CS sampling method with buffer size 256 and 1024 can be download here. We will provide the model of other sampling methods soon.
To evaluate our method:
python \
--model hscnet \
--dataset [i7S|i12S|i19S] \
--scene scene_name \ # for i12S, use apt1/kitchen,apt1/living ...
--checkpoint /path/to/saved/model/ \
--data_path /path/to/data/
You can train our continual setting network by running the following command:
python \
--model hscnet \
--dataset [i7S|i12S|i19S] \
--n_iter number_of_training_iterations # default 30000
--data_path /path/to/data/
--dense_pred [False|True] # False: train without dense representation
--exp_name #set name to you experiments
--buffer_size [128|256|512|1024]
--sampling [Random|Imgbal|CoverageS]
We appreciate the previous open-source repositories DSAC++ and HSCNet.
Copyright (c) 2021 AaltoVision.
This code is released under the MIT License.
Please consider citing our papers if you find this code useful for your research:
title={Continual learning for image-based camera localization},
author={Wang, Shuzhe and Laskar, Zakaria and Melekhov, Iaroslav and Li, Xiaotian and Kannala, Juho},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},