An app developed to aid children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on communication by prioritizing visual learning throughout the app. 5 modules were created for this purpose by collaborating with Sankalp - The Learning Centre and Special Needs School, Chennai, India.
Visual scheduling - to create tasks for a day represented by images and text so that the child is aware of the upcoming tasks and doesn't get upset by a sudden change.
Decks - to create custom decks and add flash cards in it for studying them regularly.
Activities - for the child to interact with the created decks by identifying an image out of 4 options given a word and vice versa. This helps the child to map information in both ways and learn generalization to some extent.
Help - for nonverbal children and children with fine motor issues to express themselves to nearby people through images. They can request for something, respond to someone, convey their emotions and notify their problems through this module.
Train - to train the child on the created flash cards using SuperMemo2 algorithm based on the spaced-repetition technique so that they retain their information for a long time.
Care was taken while designing the UX/UI for the app such that it offers a clean and modern user experience while also keeping the target audience and their qualities in mind.