do the things
- Twar-Egg, the "Free Folk" transit.
Under continual construction; please click view on GitHub for more.Feel free to contribute an issue. Mouse hovers over links have info; if U've no 'meece' then read the raw (top right next to blame - after going to "View on Github").
This all started with a handshake in 2011.
The handshake requires my name to be on the Ballot, 2020 was a D'Art "Write-In" run
Continuing to "address" issues.
FEC Committee Requirement(s)
2020 Committee Information Deleted without record by FEC, 10 days
Inability to edit Candidate Information
Get on the Ballot & cancel it out
neutralize Presidential madness
- Electors names should be on Ballots, not Presidential Candidates
Style/motif 2020:
"Backwards" 'campaign' of Actions
No; Committee, Campaign Fundraising, or Paid Advertising
- private social sharing (friends & friends of friends)
"Where's Waldo" style travels
- eg: no prior setup, no telling where I'm going next, 'pass-back' what I've done once I've left via SMS.
- I've been through:
- [California, Oregon + Washington] = (Mask ⬆️ & F.B.I. Tacos), Idaho, Utah, Arizona. Nevada, Navajo Nation (discussed COVID decon with H.C.O.C. & President Nez, re: C.A.R.E.S. Act), New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida (panhandle), North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming; with verbal and written/signed vote pledges.
- Qualified Write-Ins -note Libertarian & CA SoS/ ElDo Elections Complaint
"My" Electoral College Candidates
The Race is Still ON Trump Campaign site pdf search
Dec. 8 & Dec. 14, 2020: Deadline for Resolving Election Disputes - 3 U.S.C. § 5 ref: sourcing all suit info.
of pages linked as of November 16th, 2020 30 of 68 Linked; so, browse around [this Viz Says More Files & PDFs]
Now in Appeals after rushed misinterpretation from Judge
This is a primary component to the case: "Address" vs "Residency"
'Already filed/filing Pro Se'
Witnessed an officer being shot in the face.
Address Filed
SCOTUS Filed in Propia Persona
- when I hung out in a 'smart college town' the Electoral College was something to get rid of...
on, social, bias & reward systems really, it's g'in'to be alright
How to do it right. would you trust a bunch of 5th Graders?
'Have to have "dictators" who really believe in democracy to prevent democracy from voting for dictatorships.'
~ ask where it's from
War Games
Spot the difference:
Red ANTIFA v Blue Capitol Insurgents
A country, set up, at war with itself.
There is no us vs them; it's all us...
- Ref Mask Up Campaign
- Survival
- Today
- Eons
- large, Pic, semi-journal
- Officer's Ambushed! See MY Vid
- vids deconDarts Channel
- on BadAss Uncle Sam DOTcom introduced around 1:30 (needs correction) in @ 13:55
In, or around, 2011; I was in a conversation regarding the current state of the world; and, the U.S. Political Affairs. Post this discussion, upon our 'good-buys;' I was asked if I 'believe in' the things I spoke about, generally. Being this: a naturally progressive engagement; dialogue had flowed with no prior decisions on stances or positions. I responded that I did, in fact, hold to my heart the perspectives on the topics in light. With this clarity in revelation, for the other participant(s); a quesiton was then posed, as an agreement; and, a slight challenge to the roots of the idealogy presented. "This Asshole" would vote for me when my name appears on their ballot; I am to run for President, regardless the concept that I would 'win;' instead, premised, on the notion that 'people' need to hear me speak. I am not permitted to know which state they are from or a few other caveats. Upon the notion of duty being inlaid to country a primary component and a nudging reminder of this; we shook on the terms in front of witnesses.
Repetition warning: This will not be the only time it's written here, I'm sure: I had "The Queitest Gator Award" when I was young.
'from this, Constitutionally strong area, "The State of Jefferson" to the San Francisco / Bay Area, California
- finding opportunity and support where I go.
OSINT tools:
Places to contribute findings:
- discrimination, prejudice, and such in my country.too many individuals abusing their positions; from the coffee shops to the court clerks
"draw {me} something"... then this started
1st for Testing "ManyVerse"app @C4zDerM9O1YwKDVsXidZINzDRwjsbmNdEkWehatl1h0=.ed25519
through gitHub
GenerAll electronic-mailer
Submit your email
sub-Scribe to my Scribbles
via Elektronic Mail
and respond
Oct/Nov2019 CA SoS said I "had" to have a website w/ 'my own' domain... I decided I would do this during the last month; because, 🖕.