For this second module of the bootcamp we had to copy a website whose design was provided to the team and we had to make it work using our knowledge about JavaScript ensemble with the HTML, CSS and SASS learned on the previous module.
- Beatriz Figueroa @beafig
- Pilar Leiva @Pilarleizq
- Verónica Velasco @veronicavjones
- Titika Apostolaki @ttkapostol
- Vanesa González @VanesaGR
Our website includes a home page, where the using of the web is described and another page where you can design the profile cards as you prefer and share them.
This project was supervised by the bootcamp instructors:
- Dayana Romero @dayanare
- Iván Garrido @igarrido-adalab
- Yanelis Serrano @ytaylordev
- Zeplin
- Vs Code
- GitHub
- Starter Kit Adalab