###Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon
This is the official expansion pack made by DzjengisKhan!
This expansion pack will include:
- 79 New topics
- 6 New platforms
- 6 New events
- 19 custom Researches
I'm working an a method that will allow people to add custom researches to the game so be on the lookout for that!!
Want your name in the list below?? Send me a private message on http://forum.greenheartgames.com/ with your addtion for the expansion pack and I will judge if it's good enough to be added to the pack!
Contributors (all the names are from the greenheart games forum):
- DzjengisKhan (Founder of the expansion pack)
- LineLiar (Lead contributer)
- Drakiren (Event concepts)
- Glampkoo (Texture Design)
Check the wiki on this page for further information about the expansion pack. Find out what topics there are added, the platforms which are added, the researches that are added, the events that are added and definitely check it out when you have problems with it.