UPDATE: Check out HEIO for an alternative native model importer with more file support, better documentation, and less issues. This tool is now obsolete.
For animation imports and exports, use the FrontiersAnimDecompress Blender addon. It supports both compressed and uncompressed *.anm.pxd files with more stability and with correct scaling, as well as standalone *.skl.pxd importing.
For a more general purpose model extraction, use modelfbx.exe from Dario's LibGens to convert .model files to .fbx, which should continue to work on any version of Blender. .
A basic blender script to import meshes from games using the engine. Code is still a bit WIP but has been tested on Sakura Wars,Sonic Forces, and Sonic & Mario 2020 Olympics.
For the animation script, select the rig before running the import.