Exploiting temporal consistency for real-time video depth estimation (ICCV 2019) https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.03706
By Haokui Zhang, Chunhua Shen, Ying Li, Yuanzhouhan Cao, Yu Liu, Youliang Yan
Some video results can be found at https://youtu.be/B705k8nunLU
Requirements: Pytorch>=0.4.0 Python=3.6 matlab (for converting raw data, dump and pgm files to jpg and png files)
Data preprocess: Data preprocess consists of three steps, including
- In raw data, the RGB and corresponding depth data are saved as .dump and .pgm file, respectively. The first step is converting raw RGB and Depth data into .jpg and .png files. In this step, synchronization, alignment and padding operations are needed. The matlab code "NYU_v2_raw_2_img" is provided to handle the tasks in this step.
cd NYU_v2_raw_2_img matlab main_x_x.m
- Splitting training samples and extract test samples. The python code "raw_nyu_v2_build" is used to finish this task.
cd raw_nyu_v2_build python main_clips.py --test_loc 'end' --fl 5
- Creating data_list for dataloader:
cd CLSTM_Depth_Estimation_master/data/ python create_list_nyu_v2_3D.py
- The preprocessed test sets corresponding to 3, 4 and 5 frames input can be download from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g4jjWzf4Bcz44cQq2brgYiZvuK-5xKga/view?usp=sharing , https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KLc_qtcLnEz_ckefhE5Xtl279fau6TWx/view?usp=sharing , https://drive.google.com/file/d/179PVUtCM927cOckP8zVkmFwlr1OhnR0z/view?usp=sharing .
Evaluation: cd CLSTM_Depth_Estimation_master/prediction/ python prediction_CLSTM_main.py
Demo: cd CLSTM_Depth_Estimation_master/ python demo_main.py
Datasets: NYU-V2 (https://cs.nyu.edu/~silberman/datasets/nyu_depth_v2.html) and Kitti were used.
Example data folder structure:
data_root |- raw_nyu_v2_250k | |- train | | |- basement_0001a | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |_ ... | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |_ ... | | |- basement_0001b | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |_ ... | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |_ ... | | |_ ... | |- test_fps_30_fl5_end | | |- 0000 | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00001.jpg | | | | |- ... | | | | |- rgb_00004.jpg | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |- depth_00001.png | | | | |- ... | | | | |- depth_00004.png | | |- 0001 | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00001.jpg | | | | |- ... | | | | |- rgb_00004.jpg | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |- depth_00001.png | | | | |- ... | | | | |- depth_00004.png | | |- ... | | |- 0653 | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00001.jpg | | | | |- ... | | | | |- rgb_00004.jpg | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |- depth_00001.png | | | | |- ... | | | | |- depth_00004.png | |- test_fps_30_fl3_end | | |- 0000 | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00001.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00002.jpg | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |- depth_00001.png | | | | |- depth_00002.png | | |- 0001 | | | |- rgb | | | | |- rgb_00000.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00001.jpg | | | | |- rgb_00002.jpg | | | |- depth | | | | |- depth_00000.png | | | | |- depth_00001.png | | | | |- depth_00002.png | | |- ...
Please consider citing our paper in your publications if the project helps your research. BibTeX reference is as follows.
@inproceedings{zhang2019exploiting, title={Exploiting temporal consistency for real-time video depth estimation}, author={Zhang, Haokui and Shen, Chunhua and Li, Ying and Cao, Yuanzhouhan and Liu, Yu and Yan, Youliang}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision}, pages={1725--1734}, year={2019} }