Currency Converter is application which fetches the realtime currency values from API and converts the desired currency of the user.
- User can enter the desired conversion fromats.
- Conversion can be done accross 170+ currencies as specified by the API.
- Material design guidelines followed to increase the user experience.
- di
- helper
- models
- network
- repositories
- view
- viewmodels
- Retrofit is used with ScalarConverters to get the JSON response as the string.
- Default repository pattern is used for effective error handling and ease of testing by providing mock repositories.
- Hilt framework is used for dependency injection.
- Retrofit 2 - REST client for making network calls.
- Coroutines - For asynchronous operations.
- ViewModel - Lifecycle aware library to manage data observing the lifecycle of licecycle owner.
- Hilt-Dagger - Recommended Dependency Injection Framework for Android.
- Kotlin Flows - Emits sequence of values or data, and consumer asynchronously consumes these values or data.