Shopping List is item lising application based on local database application performing CRUD operations.
- User can create and save shopping item persistently.
- User can update shopping item.
- User can delete bought shopping item.
- User can interact with the app with one hand as it is a single activity application, as all the operations can be done by user with single click.
- adapters
- db
- entities
- di
- models
- repositories
- viewmodels
- Generic Recycler View is used for listing the of items.
- Kotlin Coroutines are implemented to peroform the long running tasks of the IO operations like inserting, updating, deleting etc., the items from the Room Database.
- Koin framework is used for dependency injection.
- Room DB - Local Persistant Database for Application.
- Coroutines - For asynchronous operations.
- ViewModel - Lifecycle aware library to manage data observing the lifecycle of licecycle owner.
- LiveData - State holder class to hold observable data.
- Koin DI - Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework for Android.