Customizable note-taking web application
The goal of the project is to master SvelteKit and relational databases. As a result, I learnt Milkdown's WYSIWYG editor, Firebase auth system, SCSS and PlanetScale database with Prisma ORM.
I used it to take notes on my university courses. Looking now, tests would save a lot of time.
The project is deployed on Vercel: (currently offline)
Test account email and password are:, 123456
or feel free to create own account with fake data.
(Sometimes PlanetScale deactivates due to inactivity).
In order to run you need to set up Firebase Auth and PlanetScale
- serialized json with no spacesVITE_WEB_API_KEY
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd custnote
Install dependencies
npm install
Generate Prisma
prisma generate
Start the server
npm run dev
Start database
npm run db
If you have any feedback, feel free to reach out