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Remote Pair Programming Strategy

Sam Joseph edited this page Jun 26, 2013 · 7 revisions

The initial scaffold for the project was created in single programming sessions by Sam Joseph, that were all recorded and are available at the following link:

Subsequently the majority of development was completed through remote pair programming using one of a number of tools:

Sometimes in combination to allow more than two people in a pairing session. So far we have not yet experimented with terminal sharing solutions such as:

and of course there are loads of fantastic remote pair programming resources at these two sites:

Although many of our team members have bandwidth limitations, so we do hope to explore these in future. We try to use ping pong protocols in pairing sessions, however technical challenges and laziness often get in the way. Where possible every pairing session is recorded and added to this playlist:

Pair Programming hookup is achieved through the Skype chat rooms, occasionally Google Events, and a couple of pairing calendars we've been experimenting with:

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