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Software Components

Pablitox26 edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 15 revisions

Oxinode ESP32 with I2T Sensors Stack -- MQTT Protocol

This reporsitory adds functionality on top of ESP32 MQTT Sender.

IOT2TANGLE provides with code to integrate the ESP32 and a give set of generic sensors (I2T sensor's stack). These are just suggested sensors and you can always add some other peripherals required by your project, however the sensors listed here are fully compatible and will be automatically detected when you connect them.

  • MAX30102 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart-rate monitor biosensor module. It includes internal LEDs, photodetectors, optical elements, and low-noise electronics with ambient light rejection. The MAX30102 provides a complete system solution to ease the design-in process for mobile and wearable devices.
  • BME280 (Bosch) - Temperature, Humidity and Pressure sensor. -> Connected by I2C Bus via: GPIO33/SDA and GPIO32/SCL --- Be careful with the supply of this sensor, the BM280 is powered with 3.3V, if your module does not have a voltage regulator (some modules do not have it) the sensor can be damaged if you supply 5V.
  • MPU6050 (InvenSense-TDK) - Acelerometer and Gyroscope 6-axis. -> Connected by I2C Bus via: GPIO33/SDA and GPIO32/SCL.
  • BH1750 (ROHM) - Ambient Light Sensor. -> Connected by I2C Bus via: GPIO33/SDA and GPIO32/SCL.
  • Generic Adjustable Sound Sensor with digital output (like KY038 Module) - -> Digital Signal on GPIO21, GPIO22 to GND (to enable sound data collection).

EMQ X Broker

Is an open source IoT MQTT message broker based on the Erlang/OTP platform. Erlang/OTP is an excellent Soft-Realtime, Low-Latency and Distributed development platform. MQTT is a lightweight message exchange protocol using publish-subscribe pattern. Documentation.

To Install MQTT Broker, follow the Setup an MQTT Broker (EMQX) manual.

IOTA Hornet

To Install IOTA Hornet, follow the Hornet Playbook manual.

Oxinode Web Application

To Install Oxinode Web Application, follow the Oxinode Web Application manual.


To Install the MQTT Gateway, follow the I2T MQTT Gateway manual.

Streams Subscriber

To Install Streams Subscriber, follow the I2T Streams Subscriber manual.