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AhmedGamal2212 committed May 14, 2023
2 parents fd65119 + 5ce3127 commit ee92bf0
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Author: Ahmed Hossam

class Solution {

// Define long long as ll
typedef long long ll;

// Define a function named mostPoints that takes a 2D vector of integers as input and returns a long long.
ll mostPoints(vector<vector<int>>& v) {

// Get the number of rows in the vector.
int n = v.size();

// Initialize a vector of long longs of size n + 1.
vector < ll > dp(n + 1);

// Iterate over the vector in reverse order.
for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){

// Get the first and second elements of the i-th row in the vector.
auto [points, brainpower] = make_pair(v[i][0], v[i][1]);

// the first option is to skip this question
// the second option is to use this question and skip the next brainpower questions
dp[i] = max(dp[i + 1], points + dp[min(i + brainpower + 1, n)]);

// Return the first element of the dp vector.
return dp[0];
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// Author: Mahmoud Aboelsoud

class Solution {
// we need to find the maximum points we can get from answering the questions
// we can do that using 0/1 dp
// we can either answer the question or leave it
// if we answer the question we will get the points of this question and move to the next question after the brainpower of this question

// questions: 2d vector of questions (points, brainpower)
vector<vector<int>> questions;
// dp: 1d array for memoizing the dp
vector<long long> dp;

// function to get the maximum points we can get from answering the questions starting from idx
long long get_max(int idx){
// if we have finished all questions return 0
if(idx >= questions.size()) return 0;

// if we have already calculated the answer for this state return it
if(dp[idx] != -1) return dp[idx];

// we can either answer the question or leave it
// 1- leave the question and move to the next question
long long ans = get_max(idx + 1);

// 2- answer the question and move to the next question after the brainpower of this question
ans = max(ans, questions[idx][0] + get_max(idx + questions[idx][1] + 1));

// return the answer
return dp[idx] = ans;

long long mostPoints(vector<vector<int>>& questions) {
// initialize the questions and dp
this -> questions = questions;
dp.assign(questions.size() + 5, -1);

// return the maximum points we can get from answering the questions starting from idx = 0
return get_max(0);
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Author: Lama Salah

class Solution {
// a constant variable mod that is initialized to 1e9+7.
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
int l, r, zero, one, memo[100005];

int dp(int i = 0){
// If i is greater than r, then the function returns 0.
if (i > r) return 0;

// initialize a reference to an integer variable ans with the value stored in the memo array at the index i.
int& ans = memo[i];

// If the value is not equal to -1, then the function returns the value, else set the value of ans equal to zero.
if (~ans) return ans;
ans = 0;

// If i is within the range [l, r], then ans is incremented by 1. Then, the function recursively calls itself with an argument of i+zero and i+one.
// The results of these two recursive calls are added to ans.
ans = (i >= l && i <= r) + ans% mod + dp(i + zero)%mod + dp(i + one)%mod;
return ans%mod;

int countGoodStrings(int low, int high, int zero, int one) {
this -> l = low;
this -> r = high;
this -> zero = zero;
this -> one = one;

// initialize the memo array with -1 values using the memset() function.
memset(memo, -1, sizeof memo);
return dp(0);
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@

// Author: Mohamed Emara

class Solution {
int dp[100005];
int mod = 1e9 + 7;

// global variables.
int nZero, nOne;
int hi, lo;

int rec(int len)
// base case ---> if length exceeds the high limit --> return 0 (don't include it as a solution)
if(len > hi)
return 0;

// memoization
int &ret = dp[len];
return ret;

// if the current length is exactly equals high limit --> add 1 as a valid solution
// but can't increase lenght any more --> so return 1
if(len == hi)
return 1;

// if the current length is in the range (low, high) --> Add 1 as it's a valid solution
// & continue to other states
if(len >= lo && len < hi)
return ret = (1 + (rec(len+nZero)%mod + rec(len+nOne)%mod))%mod;

// if the current lenght is below low limit --> go to the next states but as it's not
// a valid solution we don't add 1 here.
return ret = ((rec(len+nZero)%mod + rec(len+nOne)%mod))%mod;

int countGoodStrings(int low, int high, int zero, int one) {
/* ======== IDEA =======*/
Trace the lenght of the current segment of zeros and ones
We only interested in the lenght, No need to construct the segment
As every segment is unique --> whether add '1' one times
o or add '0' zeros times
there is no overlaps
Continue increaing the length in the two different ways
Until the lenght enters the range (low, high)
start adding 1 to the result and continue till the end of the range (high)
hi = high;
lo = low;
nZero = zero;
nOne = one;

memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
return rec(0);

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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// author : Omar Sanad

class Solution {
// declare the variables inside the class itself to be able to use it anywhere in the class
// also declare a 2D array for memoization
int low, high, zero, one, dp[100001][2];

// recursion function, takes two parameters the current position and the last used charecter '1' or '0'
int rec(int idx, bool last_is_one) {
// if we exceeded the allowed limit, then we return
if (idx > high)
return 0;

// assign the dp[idx][last_is_one] by reference, for clean code
int &ret = dp[idx][last_is_one];

// if the answer for this state has been already calculated, then return its value which is stored in the dp
if (~ret) return ret;

// otherwise, then we have to calculate this state,
// if we are in the allowed range (low <= idx <= high), then count this state as valid
ret = idx >= low and idx <= high;

// try to take zeros
ret = (ret + rec(idx + one, true)) % int(1e9 + 7);

// try to take ones
ret = (ret + rec(idx + zero, false)) % int(1e9 + 7);

// return the answer of this state
return ret;
int countGoodStrings(int low, int high, int zero, int one) {
// assign the passed parameters to the variables declared in the class itself
this->low = low;
this-> high = high;
this->zero = zero;
this->one = one;

// initialize the dp with -1, mark as not calculated
memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));

// return the answer to the problem
return rec(0, true);

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