I am not able to maintain it due to not getting much time.
Welcome your pull requests
- PHP version >= 5.5
- Required extensions :
- PDO_Mysql
- json
- Required extensions :
- Web Server Apache or Nginx
- MySQL 5
composer create-project php-kchat/kchat
git clone https://github.com/php-kchat/kchat.git
Download Zip and Extract to your Web Directory
Give a Writable Permission on
- config
- logs
- cache
- logs/kchat.log.php
- box/config
- box/logs/error.log
Visit the subfolder https://mydomain.com/index.php in your web-browser. The installation script will start automatically and guide you through the installation process.
- Admin - admin
- Password - pass
- if you getting internal server error when you installed KChat in sub-directory please update .htaccess
Uncomment and update RewriteBase
RewriteBase /{{your-relative-url}}/
- if message box not working try adding jquery in your code
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>