A clojure wrapper for the api calls that the obelisk miner ui makes.
Include the following in your list of dependencies:
The entirety of the api is in the api
(require '[obelisk-ui.api :as api])
First step is to get a cookie from the ui:
(def opts {:server-address "http://<your-obelisk-address>"
:basic-auth ["username" "password"]}) ;; This key is optional
(def cookie (api/login "admin" "admin" opts))
(def opts (assoc opts :cookie cookie))
After getting a cookie you can get your outputs:
(api/curr-user opts)
; => {:username "admin", :deviceModel "SC1|DCR1"
(api/versions opts)
;=> {:firmwareVersion "SC1 v1.2.0", :cgminerVersion "4.10.0"
(keys (api/dashboard opts))
;=> (:diagnostics :hashrateData :systemInfo :poolStatus :hashboardStatus)
(api/pools opts)
;=>({:password "my-secure-pw", :url "pool-url", :worker "my-worker"
(api/mining opts)
;=> {:disableGeneticAlgo false, :rebootMinHashrate 150, :rebootIntervalMins 0, :maxHotChipTempC 105, :optimizationMode 2, :minFanSpeedPercent 10}
(api/system opts)
;=> {:timezone "Europe/London"
(api/network opts)
;=> {:macAddress "my-mac-address", :ipAddress "", :subnetMask "", :hostname "Obelisk", :dnsServer "", :gateway "", :dhcpEnabled false}
(count (api/diagnostics opts))
;=> 10315
Copyright © 2019 Oliver Marshall
Distributed under the MIT License.