Programs for C Language
int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
Include function includes the header file which is <stdio.h> Stdio stands for standard Input and Output ( .h ) represents the header file
The int defines main functions Type Int literally means integer returns something . in the int main function we can include any type of the data type Like float, double, char etc but best option is Void which returns Null 0
Input and Output
printf is used to display the output of the given data in C
int main(){
int a=3,b=6;
int x=a+b;
printf("sum = %d",x);
Scanf is used to take input from the user To access the address of the input C uses ampersand (&) to store the address.
•To access the address of the given data and to write the data into variables C uses these format specifiers for assigning address For int %d or %i Float %f String %s Char %C
int main(){
int a =1;
float b=2;
char c='a';
printf(" %d\n%f\n%c",a,b,c);
Manipulation of data types
To do math in C we use int , float data types
- Addition (+)
- Subtraction(-)
- Multiplication(*)
- Division (/)
- floor Division(//)
int main(){
int a=3,b=2;
printf("sum = %d",a+b);
printf("Subtraction = %d",a-b);
print("Multiple = %d",a*b);
float x= 36.14;
float y= 6.2;
printf("division =%f",x/y);
return 0;
For taking input we use scanf function to take input from user
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ printf("Enter two numbers "); int a , b,c; //declaring variables scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("\nsum of numbers is %d",c); }
The operators for manipulating data in C divided into
- Arithmetic operators
- Conditional operators
- Logical operators
- Bitwise operators
Variables : Anything that stores the value .
- int cars= 10 ,
- float speed = 143.789 ,
- double pi = 3.1428579631274639 ,
- char letter ='L',
- string = "I am Ironman";
A variable can be anything that can store the values of specified format
- if
- else if
- else
- switch cases
- for loop
- while loop
- do while loop