Basic python programming code
The classic hello world program
print("Hello World")
print(f"Hello world") # f-strings
print('Hello World')
print("Hello ,I am Ironman")
variables store data
name = "John wick"
age = 39
occupation = "Assassin"
height = 6.1
net = 50_00_000
print(name,age, occupation , height , net)
Arithmetic operators The Mathetical operations in python using Arithmetic operators.Python can be used as a calculator
apples = 11 mangoes = 9 print(apples + mangoes) print(apples - mangoes) print(apples / mangoes)
Membership operators
# memebership operators in, not is nums=[1,2,3] print("\n",3 in nums) cake="strawberry" print("\n","berry" in cake) print("\n", "mango" in cake) # i mean literally numbers are not cake (-__-) print("\n") print(cake is not nums) # id() one of the most impoertant function , it shows th storage location of a variable in the memory of cpu # it changes location everytime you run score=9049 print(id(score))
Relational operators The comparison operators that gives a boolean 'True' and 'False'
""" > greater than < lesss than != not equal >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to """ a = 3 b = 6 c = 9 print(a>b) print(a<b) print(b<c) print(c>=a)
Logical operators The logical operators are and , or
A sequence data type which stores a character (i.e A group of characters is called a string or just one character sometimes :) In python anything in between quotes either " " or ' ' is a string
space="" # just one space character
# strings can be concatenated using " + "
print(name + space + nums + symbols + pc)
print(name +" "+ space+" "+ nums +" "+ symbols +" "+ pc)
if statements Loops
- if statements
- elif
- else
age =19
if age > 18:
print("You can drive")
name = input("Enter passkey")
# passkey = "Naruto"
if name == "Naruto":
print("You may pass")
print("Not allowed")
name = input("Enter pass key")
if passkey == "Naruto":
print("You may pass")
print("You misplaced the key")
print("Not allowed")