This repository contains three Solidity contracts that implement staking functionality.
This is a basic staking contract that allows users to stake StakingTokens and receive xTokens in return. The contract defines two functions: enter
and leave
The enter
function allows a user to stake a certain amount of the staking token and receive a proportional amount of xTokens in return. The proportion is based on the ratio of staking tokens to xTokens currently in the contract.
The leave
function allows a user to redeem a certain amount of xTokens and receive a proportional amount of the staking token back.
This is a more complex staking contract that allows users to stake tokens and receive rewards. The contract defines several variables and mappings to keep track of staking and reward information. The constructor
sets the staking and reward tokens for the contract. The contract owner can access certain functions through the onlyContractOwner
The staking and reward functions are defined as stakeTokens
, withdrawTokens
, calculateEarned
, and claimRewards
Users can stake tokens and withdraw tokens, and their earned rewards can be calculated and claimed.
The rewardUpdate
modifier updates the user's rewards.
The contract calculates the reward per token and the last time rewards were updated using calculateRewardPerToken
and calculateLastRewardTime
functions, respectively.
The contract also calculates the per-second reward payout and the accumulated reward per token using the notifyRewardDistribution
Overall, this contract is designed to incentivize users to stake tokens by offering rewards, and it allows the contract owner to manage the reward distribution and duration.
This contract is similar to the complex staking rewards but here the rewards accrued on staking varies every second.
The contract defines the staking and reward tokens as stakingToken
and rewardToken
, respectively.
The contract keeps track of user balances and rewards with userBalance
, userRewardIndex
, and userEarned
The contract has functions that allow users to stake and unstake tokens with stakeTokens
and unstakeTokens
, respectively.
Users can also claim their earned rewards with the claimReward
function. The adjustRewardIndex
function allows the contract owner to adjust the reward index based on incoming rewards.
The contract calculates the rewards earned by a user with the calculateEarnedRewards
function and the computeRewards
function. The recalculateRewards
function updates a user's earned rewards and reward index.
This contract is designed to reward users for staking tokens and allows a contract owner to adjust the rewards periodically. Overall, this contract is a basic staking contract that is suitable for small-scale periodic reward distributions.
Try running some of the following tasks:
npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/{name.js}