Responsive Full Stack App - Works on Android, iOS & Web!
- Google/Guest Authentication
- Create, Join community
- Community Profile (Avatar, Banner, Members)
- Edit Description and Avatar of community
- Post (link only, photo, text only)
- Displaying posts from communities user is part of
- Upvote, Downvote
- Comment
- Award the Post
- Update Karma
- Add Moderators
- Moderator- remove post
- Delete post
- User Profile (Avatar, Banner)
- Theme Switch
- Cross Platform
- Responsive UI
- Latest posts (instead of home, display this to guest users)
After cloning this repository, migrate to ShareSphere
folder. Then, follow the following steps:
- Create Firebase Project
- Enable Authentication (Google Sign In, Guest Sign In)
- Make Firestore Rules
- Create Android, iOS & Web Apps
- Use FlutterFire CLI to add the Firebase Project to this app. Then run the following commands to run your app:
flutter pub get
open -a simulator (to get iOS Simulator)
flutter run
flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html (to see the best output)
Server: Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Firestore
Client: Flutter, Riverpod 2.0, Routemaster
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at [email protected]