Power BI Dashboard Link
This repository contains Power BI reports analyzing credit card transactions and customer data. The project involves importing data from Excel into PostgreSQL and creating Power BI dashboards to visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) and insights.
- MS Excel
- Postgres SQL
- Power Bi
- DAX Language
The data used in this project consists of two tables in PostgreSQL:
Client_Num: Client number Card_Category: Category of the credit card Annual_Fees: Annual fees associated with the credit card Activation_30_Days: Number of activations within 30 days Customer_Acq_Cost: Acquisition cost for the customer Week_Start_Date: Start date of the week Week_Num: Week number Qtr: Quarter current_year: Current year Credit_Limit: Credit limit Total_Revolving_Bal: Total revolving balance Total_Trans_Amt: Total transaction amount Total_Trans_Ct: Total transaction count Avg_Utilization_Ratio: Average utilization ratio Use_Chip: Whether the card uses chip technology Exp_Type: Expenditure type Interest_Earned: Interest earned Delinquent_Acc: Delinquent account status
Client_Num: Client number Customer_Age: Age of the customer Gender: The gender of the customer Dependent_Count: Number of dependents Education_Level: The education level of the customer Marital_Status: Marital status of the customer State_cd: State code Zipcode: Zip code Car_Owner: Whether the customer owns a car House_Owner: Whether the customer owns a house Personal_Loan: Whether the customer has a personal loan Contact: Contact information Customer_Job: The job of the customer Income: Income of the customer Cust_Satisfaction_Score: Customer satisfaction score
As the database is Postgres SQL in this project, we need to import the datasets from the Postgres SQL database to PowerBi by providing the Database access credential.
- Info
- Credit Card Transaction Report
- Credit card Customer Report
The Power BI reports consist of two main dashboards:
This dashboard provides insights into credit card transactions, including: Total revenue Total interest Quarterly revenue and total transaction count graph Week-on-week growth measure is created
This dashboard focuses on customer demographics, with data filtered by gender. It includes visualizations such as: Distribution of customers by age and gender Customer satisfaction score analysis Income distribution by gender Usage
Write the SQL queries to load the data into PostgreSQL Import the data from PostgreSQL into Power BI. Ensure the necessary measures and filters are set up for the dashboards. Explore the visualizations to gain insights into credit card transactions and customer demographics.