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Alan-Chauvin committed Nov 30, 2019
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function [Volumes, N] = CiVol(mask, D)% CIVOL Intrinsic volumes of the search region in pixel.% CiVol(mask, D) returns the intrinsic Volumes (N=Volumes(D))% If mask is a scalar, it specifies the number of pixels in the search region% E.g., [Volumes, N] = CiVol(pi*128^2, 2);% If mask is a binary matrix, where the 1's define the search region% E.g.,% mask = double(imread('faceMask.tif'));% mask = (mask - min(mask(:))) / (max(mask(:)) - min(mask(:)));% [Volumes, N] = CiVol(mask, length(size(mask)));% D (D<=3) is the dimensionality of the search region% % From K. J. Worsley's ([email protected]) stat_threshold help section:% Volumes is a vector of D+1 components, the intrinsic volumes of the search % region = [Euler characteristic, 2*caliper diameter, 1/2 surface area, volume],% e.g. [1, 4*r, 2*pi*r^2, 4/3*pi*r^3] for a sphere of radius r in 3D. For a 2D % search region, it is [1, 1/2 perimeter length, area]. The random field theory % threshold is based on the assumption that the search region is a sphere, which % is a very tight lower bound for any non-spherical region.% % See also DEMOSTAT4CI% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & FrŽdŽric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004if length(mask) == 1, N = mask;else % the mask have to be 1 in the region of interest and 0 elsewhere minMask = min(mask(:)); maxMask = max(mask(:)); N = sum( (mask(:) - minMask)./ (maxMask - minMask) ); end;EC = 1;switch Dcase 1 Volumes(1) = EC; % Euler characteristic Volumes(2) = N; % length case 2 % N = pi*r^2 r = sqrt(N/pi); Volumes(1) = EC; % Euler characteristic Volumes(2) = pi * sqrt(N/pi) % caliper diameter Volumes(2) = pi * r % caliper diameter Volumes(3) = N; % surface area case 3 % N = (4/3)*pi*r^3 r = (3/4/pi*N)^(1/3); % r is the radius of the sphere Volumes(1) = EC; % Euler characteristic Volumes(2) = 4 * r; % 2 * caliper diameter Volumes(3) = 2 * pi * r; % 1/2 surface area Volumes(4) = N; % volumeotherwise error('Not implemented for D > 3.')end;
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% DEMOSTAT4CI illustrates the usage of the Stat2Ci toolbox on two classification images from:% Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2001). Bubbles: A technique to reveal the use of information % in recognition. Vision Research, 41, 2261-2271.% The Stat4Ci toolbox allows to perform the Pixel and the Cluster tests, both based on Random Field % Theory. These tests are easy to apply, requiring a mere four pieces of information; and they % typically produce statistical thresholds (or p-values) lower than the standard Bonferroni correction.% % An excellent non-technical reference is:% K. J. Worsley (1996) the geometry of random image. Chance, 9, 27-40.% % We borrowed from several sources: the STAT_THRESHOLD function was written by Keith Worsley for the fmristat toolbox% (; and our DISPLAYCI function calls many functions from the % Image Processing toolbox.% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & FrŽdŽric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004% % Loads a classification imageSCi = double(imread('GenderFG.tiff')); % from Gosselin & Schyns, 2001, Experiment 1, GENDER, subject FG SCi = double(imread('exnexFG.tiff')); % from Gosselin & Schyns, 2001, Experiment 1, GENDER, subject FG SCi = cIm2hrCi(SCi);sigma_b = 20; %std of smoothing filter% % Specifies a search space; here: the face areaS_r = double(imread('faceMask.tiff'));S_r = (S_r - min(S_r(:))) / (max(S_r(:))-min(S_r(:)));% % Extracts the area outside the mask; used for the estimation of expected mean and variance of the CivecSCi = SCi(eq(S_r,0));% % Z-transforms the SCiRes = ZTransSCi(SCi,mean(vecSCi(:)),std(vecSCi(:)));Res.ZSCi = Res.ZSCi.*S_r;% % Performs the Pixel or Cluster testp = .05; %p-valuetC = 2.7; %threshold (for Cluster test)Res = StatThresh(Res,p,sigma_b,tC,S_r);% % Displays the resultsbackground = double(imread('w1H.JPG')); % a face used by Gosselin & Schyns, 2001, Experiment 1tCi = DiplayRes(Res,background); % the results of one of the tests with a background
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function Res = DiplayRes(Res,background); % DISPLAYCI displays the results of the Pixel and Cluster tests.% tCi = DisplayCi(Res,[background]) returns, for the Pixel test % (typeTest = 'P'), the Z-scores (tCi) above threshold (tP); and, for the Cluster test % (typeTest = 'C'), the Z-scores (tCi) above threshold (tC) and belonging to clusters % greater than the minimum size (k).% % Res.ZCi = Z-transformed smooth classification image (see ZTRANSCI) % Res.tC = Cluster test threshold (set by the user)% Res.k = Minimun cluster size (see STAT_THRESHOLD)% Res.tP = Pixel test threshold (see STAT_THRESHOLD)% Res.FWHM = full width half maximum of the Gaussian smoothing filter (see HALFMAX)% Res.p = p-value for Pixel and Cluster tests (set by user)% [background] = image overlaid to the classification image to help interpretation.% With red pixels indicating the regions that attained statistical significance. % % E.g.,% SCi = double(imread('GenderCi.tiff')); % sCi = cIm2hrCi(SCi); % sigma_b = 20; % S_r = double(imread('faceMask.tif'));% vecSCi = SCi(eq(S_r,0));% ZSCi = ZTransSCi(SCi,[mean(vecSCi(:)),std(vecSCi(:))]);% ZSCi = ZSCi.*S_r;% P = .05; % tC = 2.7; % Res = StatThresh(ZSCi,p,sigma_b,tC,S_r);% background = double(imread('w1H.JPG')); % tCi = DiplayRes(Res,background); % % For both tests, DISPLAYCI also returns a table with all relevant statistics (tC, tP, % p, sizes of significant clusters, and so on).%% Requires the ImageProcessing Toolbox.% % See also STATRESH, ZTRANSCI, DEMOSTAT4CI% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2005). Accurate % statistical tests for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & FrŽdŽric Gosselin ([email protected]), 01//03/2005% ------------------------------------------------------------% 1. displays cluster result cCi = ( Res.ZSCi >= Res.tC);[LabelClC ,nbClusterC] = BWLABEL(cCi); % labels all clusters in Res.ZSCiif nbClusterC ~=0 for ii = 1 : nbClusterC cm(ii) = length(find(LabelClC == ii)); end; %dbstop at 65 cm = [[1:nbClusterC];cm]; if nbClusterC > 1 %cm = sortrows(cm,2); % sorts clusters per size cm = sortrows(cm',1)'; % sorts clusters per size end; ii = 0;c= 0; while ii < nbClusterC ii = ii + 1; if cm(2,ii) < Res.k LabelClC(find(LabelClC == cm(1,ii))) = 0; else c = c +1; maxZ(c) = max(max(Res.ZSCi(find(LabelClC == cm(1,ii))))); sizeZ(c) = cm(2,ii); [I,J]=find(LabelClC == cm(1,ii)); yZ(c) = round((max(I)+min(I))/2); xZ(c) = round((max(J)+min(J))/2); LabelClC(find(LabelClC == cm(1,ii))) = 1; end; end; for i = 1 : c Results(i,2) = Res.tC; Results(i,3) = sizeZ(i); Results(i,4) = sizeZ(i)/Res.FWHM/Res.FWHM'; Results(i,5) = maxZ(i); Results(i,6) = xZ(i); Results(i,7) = yZ(i); if i == c Results(i,1) = 67; % ascii code for 'C' else Results(i,1) = 32; % ascii code for 'space' end; end; if c, clear maxZ sizeZ yZ xZ;end; if c > 0 Results = flipud(sortrows(Results,3)); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('\tt\t\tsize\tresels\tZmax\tx\ty\n'); fprintf('\t-----------------------------------------\n'); fprintf('%c\t[%.2f]\t%d\t\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\n',Results'); else fprintf('\t-----------------------------------------\n'); fprintf('\tno cluster reach significance\n') end;else fprintf('\t-----------------------------------------\n'); fprintf('\tno cluster reach significance\n')end;% --------------------------------------------------------% 2. displays pixel resultspCi = ( Res.ZSCi >= Res.tP);nbClusterP = ( sum(pCi(:)) >= 1 );if nbClusterP fprintf('\t-----------------------------------------\n'); fprintf('P\t%.2f\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\n',Res.tP);end;fprintf('\n');fprintf('p-value = [%.2f]\n',Res.p);fprintf('FWHM == [%.1f]\n',Res.FWHM);fprintf('Minimum cluster size = %.1f\n',max(Res.k,0));% --------------------------------------------------------% 3. displays the figureif nbClusterC == 0 & nbClusterP == 0; Res.tCi = zeros(Res>ZSci); return;end;figurefor ii = 1 : 2 if ii == 1 % 3.1 Pixel test t = Res.tP; LabelCl = ones(size(Res.ZSCi)); Res.PixTest = (Res.ZSCi >= t) .* LabelCl; tCi = Res.PixTest; ss = sprintf('Pixel Test'); else % 3.1 Cluster test t = Res.tC; LabelCl = LabelClC; Res.ClusTest = (Res.ZSCi >= t) .* LabelCl; tCi = Res.ClusTest; ss = sprintf('Cluster Test'); end; subplot(1,2,ii) if ~exist('background') image(tCi);axis image;axis off s = sprintf('t = %.2f, pval = %.3f',t,p); title(s) else % thresholded classification image is overlaid on an image background = 2*( ( background-min(background(:)) ) / ( max(background(:))-min(background(:)) ) ) - 1; for ii = 1 : 3 colorIma(:,:,ii) = 2*background; end; mmax = max(Res.ZSCi(:)); mmin = min(Res.ZSCi(:)); cIma = colorIma/2; cIma(:,:,1) = colorIma(:,:,1)/2 + tCi; cIma = ( cIma-min(cIma(:)) ) / ( max(cIma(:))-min(cIma(:))+0.0001 ); tCi = cIma; % figure,imshow(cIma);axis on imagesc(cIma); axis square;colormap(jet);axis off s = sprintf('%s, t = %.2f, pval = %.3f',ss, t,Res.p); title(s) if ii == 1 % 3.1 Pixel test Res.PixTest = cIma; else % 3.1 Cluster test Res.ClusTest = cIma; end; end;end;clear cm
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function FWHM = HalfMax(sigma);% HALFMAX Full width half maximum of a Gaussian filter.% HalfMax returns FWHM, the full width half maximum of% a Gaussian filter of standard deviation equals to sigma pixels.% E.g., FWHM = HalfMax(20);% % See also DEMOSTAT4CI% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & FrŽdŽric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004FWHM = sigma * sqrt(8*log(2));
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# Stat4Ci-Toolbox

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function [Sci, h] = SmoothCiConv(ci,sigma)% SMOOTHCI Smoothes a 2D image.% SmoothCi(ci,sigma) convolves a 2D image (ci) with a 2D Gaussian % filter of standard deviation equals to sigma pixels.% E.g.,% ci = double(imread('GenderFG.tiff'));% Sci = SmoothCi(ci,20);% or [Sci, h] = SmoothCi(ci,20); if the smoothing filter is needed% % Requires the ImageProcessing Toolbox.% % See also DEMOSTAT4CI% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & FrŽdŽric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004TNoyau = 6*sigma;h = fspecial('gaussian',ceil(TNoyau),sigma);Sci = filter2(h,ci);
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function Res = StatThresh(Res,p,sigma_b,tC,S_r);FWHM = HalfMax(sigma_b); % computes the full width half maximumif exist('S_r') D = length(size(S_r)); % number of dimensions in the search space [volumes, N] = CiVol(sum(S_r(:)), D) % computes the intrinsic volumeselse D = length(size(ZSCi)); % number of dimensions in the search space [volumes, N] = CiVol(sum(ZSCi(:)), D) % computes the intrinsic volumesend; [tP, k] = stat_threshold(volumes, N, FWHM, Inf, p, tC); % the actual statistical testsRes.tP = tP;Res.p = p;Res.tC = tC;Res.k = k;Res.FWHM = FWHM;
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function Res = ZtransSCi(SCi,varargin)% ZTRANSCI Z-transforms a smooth classification image.% In ZtransCi(SCi, meanSCi, stdSCi) the mean (meanSCi) and the standard % deviation (stdSCi) of the classification image are provided by the user.% E.g.,% mask = double(imread('faceMask.tif'));% mask = (mask - min(mask(:))) / (max(mask(:)) - min(mask(:)));% Ci = double(imread('GenderFG.tiff'));% vecCi = Ci(eq(mask, 0));% ZCi = ZTransCi(Ci, mean(vecCi(:)), std(vecCi(:)));% % In ZtransCi(SCi, meanSCi) the mean (meanSCi) of the classification image % is provided by the user and the standard deviation is estimated from the data.% % In ZtransCi(SCi) the mean and the standard deviation of the classification image % are estimated from the data.% % In ZtransCi(Ci1, n1, Ci2, n2, sigmaNoise, smoothFilter),% Ci1 = sum of white noise fields that led to a type 1 response (e.g., correct) % n1 = number of type 1 response% Ci2 = sum of white noise fields that led to a type 2 response (e.g., incorrect) % n2 = number of type 2 response % sigmaNoise = standard deviation of white noise% smoothFilter = Gaussian filter used to smooth the classification image% For an explanation, see:% Chauvin, Worsley, Schyns, Arguin & Gosselin (2004). A sensitive statistical % test for smooth classification images.% % See also SMOOTHCI, DEMOSTAT4CI% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & FrŽdŽric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004% the mean and the std are estimated if not providedswitch nargincase 6, cCi = SCi; nc = varargin{1}; iCi = varargin{2}; ni = varargin{3}; sigmaNoise = varargin{4}; smoothFilter = varargin{5}; n = ni + nc; % number of trial rhoC = (cCi/nc-iCi/ni)*nc*ni/n; NvarX = n*sigmaNoise^2*sum(smoothFilter(:).^2); NvarY = nc*ni/n; % Z transform Res.ZSCi = sqrt(n)*rhoC/sqrt(NvarX)/sqrt(NvarY);case 5, Ci = SCi; nc = varargin{1}; ni = varargin{2}; sigmaNoise = varargin{3}; smoothFilter = varargin{4}; n = ni + nc; % number of trial rhoC = Ci; NvarX = n*sigmaNoise^2*sum(smoothFilter(:).^2); NvarY = nc*ni/n; % Z transform Res.ZSCi = sqrt(n)*rhoC/sqrt(NvarX)/sqrt(NvarY); case 3 muCi = varargin{1}; stdCi = varargin{2}; % Z transform Res.ZSCi = (SCi - muCi) / stdCi; case 2 stdCi = std(SCi(:)); muCi = varargin{1}; % Z transform Res.ZSCi = (SCi - muCi) / stdCi; case nargin == 1 muCi = mean(SCi(:)); stdCi = std(SCi(:)); % Z transform Res.ZSCi = (SCi - muCi) / stdCi;otherwise error('Incorrect number of arguments.')end
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function hrCi = cIm2hrCi(cIm)% CIM2HRCI Transforms a uint8 color image (cIm) into a 2D high-res % (24 bits) classification image (hrCi).% E.g., im = rand(256,256,3);% cIm = uint8((256 - 1) * im);% hrCi = cIm2hrCi(cIm);%% See also DEMOSTAT4CI, HRCI2CIM%% The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & Fr�d�ric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004 cIm = double(cIm);hrCi = cIm(:,:,1) * 256^2 + cIm(:,:,2) * 256 + cIm(:,:,3);
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function cIm = hrCi2cIm(hrCi)% HRCI2CIM Transforms a 2D high-res (24 bits) classification image (hrCi)% into a uint8 color image (cIm). The color image can then be saved in % your favorite image format without loss of information (e.g., TIF). % E.g., Ci = rand(256,256);% hrCi = round((256^3 - 1) * Ci);% cIm = hrCi2cIm(hrCi);% % See also DEMOSTAT4CI, CIM2HRCI% % The Stat4Ci toolbox is free (; if you use % it in your research, please, cite us:% Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2004). A sensitive % statistical test for smooth classification images.% % Alan Chauvin & Fr�d�ric Gosselin ([email protected]), 20/08/2004tIm(:,:,3) = mod(hrCi, 256);tIm(:,:,2) = mod(hrCi - squeeze(tIm(:,:,3)), 256^2);tIm(:,:,1) = mod(hrCi - squeeze(tIm(:,:,3)) - squeeze(tIm(:,:,2)), 256^3);tIm(:,:,2) = tIm(:,:,2) / 256;tIm(:,:,1) = tIm(:,:,1) / 256^2;cIm = uint8(tIm);
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