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This is my new blog, rebuilt for the 2020s on Gatsby, currently hosted on Cloudflare Pages (Netlify had bad uncached TTFB).

Setting up

A local development environment is as simple as:

npm -g i gatsby-cli
npm ci
gatsby develop

Production deployments through Netlify and Cloudflare Pages "just work" if you point the app to the repository.


The blog search is powered by Algolia, and requires some additional setup. You'll need to create an Algolia account and search index, copy .env.example to .env, and add your API keys and app ID.


The custom code used on this blog is freely available under the terms of the BSD Zero Clause License, as is the upstream Gatsby code.

The original prose content on the blog is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution terms, including allowing of commercial use and derivative works. I don't know why you'd want to use it but you're free to as long as you include proper attribution.

The post images, unless specified otherwise, are not available under any open license, in particular because I do not hold the original copyright in some cases. If you do want my freely-licensed photography, check out my Unsplash!