#include <std/disclaimer.h>
Your Telegram account may get banned.
I am not responsible for any improper use of this bot
This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes,
as well as efficiently managing groups.
You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right,
and you ended up in a Finale Battle with Telegram and at the end
Telegram Team deleted your account?
And after that, then you pointed your fingers at us
for getting your acoount deleted?
I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.
UBotX is a modular Telegram UserBot running on Python3 with an sqlalchemy database.
You can learn more about the project through our Telegram channel
First of all you should know this bot is a major work in progress. It is a fork of Paperplane Extended, If you choose to use this bot now, be prepared to pull changes frequently as I continue to fix broken english, pull or change things that don't make sense, or add new things.
For configuring UBotX, you can checkout our Wiki. Please, make sure you have followed the Wiki and all the steps required.
And many other people who assisted me throughout this project.