This repository contains a PHP class that allows to optimize the cacheable arrays in order to optimize the required memory consumption.
You can install the package via composer:
$ composer require alcidesrc/cache
In many scenarios we are caching structured information (generally coming from database). Each row from this structure has the same schema than the previous row, and the same schema than the next one.
When serializing this kind of structures prior to cache the column names are stored again and again as many times as rows are contained, consuming resources to track an information is not mutable and predictable at all.
The Packer class brings a static method called pack
which allows to create a new structure with the following schema:
$packed = [
'keys' => ['column-name-1', 'column-name-2', ..., 'column-name-z'],
'data' => [
This optimized schema can now be cached and reduce a 25% of memory consumptions in average for large datasets. See Statistics section for further details.
To revert this schema to the original structure the Packer class also brings a static method called unpack
which restores the schema to initial stage.
// $users = DB::table('users')->get()
$users = [
'id' => 1,
'firstName' => 'Hope',
'lastName' => 'Pacocha',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'address' => '1939 Julio Shore. Zboncakland, HI 21531-7243',
'city' => 'Lethatown',
'postcode' => '84445-4109',
'country' => 'Niger',
'id' => 2,
'firstName' => 'Lyric',
'lastName' => 'Parker',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'address' => '25071 Jacklyn Dam Suite 215. Lake Alexannemouth, IL 77929-0777',
'city' => 'Port Yvetteville',
'postcode' => '00537',
'country' => 'French Southern Territories',
a:2:{i:0;a:8:{s:2:"id";i:1;s:9:"firstName";s:4:"Hope";s:8:"lastName";s:7:"Pacocha";s:5:"email";s:19:"[email protected]";s:7:"address";s:43:"1939 Julio Shore
Zboncakland, HI 21531-7243";s:4:"city";s:9:"Lethatown";s:8:"postcode";s:10:"84445-4109";s:7:"country";s:5:"Niger";}i:1;a:8:{s:2:"id";i:2;s:9:"firstName";s:5:"Lyric";s:8:"lastName";s:6:"Parker";s:5:"email";s:31:"[email protected]";s:7:"address";s:61:"25071 Jacklyn Dam Suite 215
Lake Alexannemouth, IL 77929-0777";s:4:"city";s:16:"Port Yvetteville";s:8:"postcode";s:5:"00537";s:7:"country";s:27:"French Southern Territories";}}
a:2:{s:4:"keys";a:8:{i:0;s:2:"id";i:1;s:9:"firstName";i:2;s:8:"lastName";i:3;s:5:"email";i:4;s:7:"address";i:5;s:4:"city";i:6;s:8:"postcode";i:7;s:7:"country";}s:4:"data";a:2:{i:0;a:8:{i:0;i:1;i:1;s:4:"Hope";i:2;s:7:"Pacocha";i:3;s:19:"[email protected]";i:4;s:43:"1939 Julio Shore
Zboncakland, HI 21531-7243";i:5;s:9:"Lethatown";i:6;s:10:"84445-4109";i:7;s:5:"Niger";}i:1;a:8:{i:0;i:2;i:1;s:5:"Lyric";i:2;s:6:"Parker";i:3;s:31:"[email protected]";i:4;s:61:"25071 Jacklyn Dam Suite 215
Lake Alexannemouth, IL 77929-0777";i:5;s:16:"Port Yvetteville";i:6;s:5:"00537";i:7;s:27:"French Southern Territories";}}}
'keys' => ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'email', 'address', 'city', 'postcode', 'country'],
'data' => [
'[email protected]',
'1939 Julio Shore. Zboncakland, HI 21531-7243',
'[email protected]',
'25071 Jacklyn Dam Suite 215. Lake Alexannemouth, IL 77929-0777',
'Port Yvetteville',
'French Southern Territories',
Rows | Direct Serialized | Serialized with Packer | Optimization Percentage |
9 | 2625 bytes | 2131 bytes | 18.82 % |
99 | 28440 bytes | 21286 bytes | 25.15 % |
999 | 289144 bytes | 215390 bytes | 25.51 % |
9999 | 2914783 bytes | 2175029 bytes | 25.38 % |
99999 | 29340860 bytes | 21941106 bytes | 25.22 % |
This package can be used as a library.
use Cache\Packer;
// Reduce by 25% memory consuptions in average by using Packer
$users = Packer::unpack(cache()->remember('users', 300, function () {
return Packer::pack(
You can run the test suite via composer:
$ composer tests
This library provides a PHPUnit testsuite with 12 unit tests and 22 assertions:
Time: 00:01.038, Memory: 20.00 MB
OK (12 tests, 22 assertions)
Code Coverage report summary:
Code Coverage Report:
2024-08-25 12:03:18
Classes: 100.00% (1/1)
Methods: 100.00% (2/2)
Lines: 100.00% (23/23)
Methods: ( 0/ 0) Lines: ( 0/ 0)
Methods: 100.00% ( 2/ 2) Lines: 100.00% ( 23/ 23)
You can check this library with PHPStan:
$ composer analyse
This command generates the following report:
> phpstan analyse --configuration=phpstan.neon --memory-limit 1G --ansi
3/3 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
[OK] No errors
You can check this library with PHP_CodeSniffer :
$ composer check-style
This command generates the following report:
> phpcs -p --standard=PSR12 --exclude=Generic.Files.LineLength --runtime-set ignore_errors_on_exit 1 --runtime-set ignore_warnings_on_exit 1 src tests
... 3 / 3 (100%)
Time: 49ms; Memory: 8MB
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities:
Only the latest major version receives security fixes.
If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please open an issue here. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.