A tutorial to create programs using the born again shell
A shell in a Linux operating system takes input from you in the form of commands, processes it, and then gives an output. It is the interface through which a user works on the programs, commands, and scripts. A shell is accessed by a terminal which runs it.
In order to visualize the shells you have available in your Linux distribrution type:
cat /etc/shells
In order to see the path of your shell (which needs to be added to your program) run the following command:
which bash
expected output:
- /bin/bash
We will have to add this path in every script that we creat (take in mind that the file has to end in .sh) :
nano filename.sh (or touch filename.sh)
#! /bin/bash
After saving the file you can check the permissions of the scritp with ls -al
You woill notice that it only has r (read) and w (wright) permissions and it does not has x (execute) permisions
In order to create an executable script run the following code on your terminal:
chmod +x filename.sh
You can check the permissions wth ls -al agian. Your progam shoud now be execurable (rwxr)
Now we can run the program:
**If you modiefed your program, there is no need to give permissions again**
* add a sing line of comment> #
* add multiple lines of comments> : ' (lines of coments) '
This is the basic structure of how we create bash scrpits. Be sure to follow the tutiral to learn more.