A C# powered uitestserver and testportal for running and managing distributed tests with selenium.
Regtesting contains a server and a node component. Also there are three different components to start tests:
- A webportal
- A localtool for quick tests during development
- A buildtask to start tests during deployments
- Copy app.config.example to app.config
- Edit all the app settings to include for example the path to the test files and the database connectionstring
- Fireup the server
- Copy web.config.example to web.config
- Edit database connectionstring and the endpoint addresses of the server
- Host the Webportal via IIS. Windows Authentification is needed
- Copy app.config.example to app.config
- Edit the endpoint address of the server.
- Copy some nodes to a few different vms with different browsers.
To start a node:
RegTesting.Node.exe NODENAME BROWSER [BROWSER] ...
- NODENAME: Any string to identify the node in the server. If you use the hostname of the node vm here, you can remote reboot the machine from the webportal
- BROWSER: At least one browser that is supported by the node. Must match a browser name known to the server, else it won't be useful