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Attn: This plugin is a fork of the original plugin with the following changes:

  • Implemented QR Code printing (can't confirm it's working because I don't have a DateCS Printer), it doesn't work on ESC/POS compatible printers that I've tried (AgpTek, JP Printer MTP-II), I'm still printing QR as images
  • Reusing BT connections: if you didn't close a connection, it will try to reuse the connection if the printer address is the same, otherwise it'll close the connection and create a new one.
  • Implemented single flush(): Each printing method (text, image) flushes its content, this can be a problem when two devices are using the same printer at the same time, you can call a flush() at the end after calling each method, notice that I didn't change original methods yet, they still call flush
  • Implemented printReceipt(): it will print some text that you can define, an image (like QR Code), a footer and feed the paper, only the first text is required, pass null to the others, it will only flush (and print) after the last command (it's faster)
  • Updated DateCS libraries to the latest version

The first thing that you must know is that the plugin is available through this variable window.DatecsPrinter.

So, there's a lot of functions that you can call to execute each operation and perform the printer actions, these are the most important ones (you can see all on printer.js file):

(every function accept at least two parameters, and they're the last ones: onSuccess function and onError function)

  • listBluetoothDevices(): will give you a list of all the already previously paired bluetooth devices
  • connect(address): this will establish the bluetooth connection with the selected printer (you need pass the address attribute of the selected device)
  • feedPaper(lines): this will "print" blank lines
  • printText(text, charset): will print the text respecting tags definition (charset encoding is ISO-8859-1 by default)
  • printImage(base64, width, height, alignment): will print the image, the expected parameters are:
    • 1- Base64 image
    • 2- Printing box's width (it does not resize the image)
    • 3- Printing box's height (it does not resize the image)
    • 4- Alignment code (you can find the codes here)
  • printBarcode(barcodeType, barcodeData): this will print a barcode accordingly to the given type and data (you can find the barcode types code here)


  function (devices) {
      function() {
      function() {
  function (error) {

function printSomeTestText() {
  window.DatecsPrinter.printText("Print Test!", 'ISO-8859-1', 
    function() {

function printMyImage() {
  var image = new Image();
  image.src = 'img/some_image.jpg';
  image.onload = function() {
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      canvas.height = 100;
      canvas.width = 100;
      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
      var imageData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg').replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg|jpeg);base64,/, ""); //remove mimetype
          imageData, //base64
          function() {
          function(error) {

function printMyBarcode() {
    75, //here goes the barcode type code
    '13132498746313210584982011487', //your barcode data
    function() {
    function() {

function printMyQRCode() {
  window.DatecsPrinter.setBarcode(1, false, 2, 0, 100);
    4, // qr code size
    2, // qr code error correction
    '', // barcode data
    function() {
    function() {

Tags definition

  • {reset} Reset to default settings.
  • {br} Line break. Equivalent of new line.
  • {b}, {/b} Set or clear bold font style.
  • {u}, {/u} Set or clear underline font style.
  • {i}, {/i} Set or clear italic font style.
  • {s}, {/s} Set or clear small font style.
  • {h}, {/h} Set or clear high font style.
  • {w}, {/w} Set or clear wide font style.
  • {left} Aligns text to the left paper edge.
  • {center} Aligns text to the center of paper.
  • {right} Aligns text to the right paper edge.

Alignment Codes

  • CENTER = 1
  • LEFT = 0
  • RIGHT = 2

Barcode Types Code

  • UPC-A = 65
  • UPC-E = 66
  • EAN13 (JAN13) = 67
  • EAN 8 (JAN8) = 68
  • CODE 39 = 69
  • ITF = 70
  • CODABAR (NW-7) = 71
  • CODE 93 = 72
  • CODE 128 = 73
  • PDF417 = 74
  • CODE 128 Auto = 75
  • EAN 128 = 76

ConnectionStatus Event

To listen about the connection status this is the way you should go: You should use this plugin to receive the broadcasts cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-broadcaster

window.broadcaster.addEventListener( "DatecsPrinter.connectionStatus", function(e) {
  if (e.isConnected) {
    //do something

Angular / Ionic

If your intention is to use it with Angular or Ionic, you may take a look at this simple example: There's a ready to use angular service implementation.


Cordova plugin to Mobile Bluetooth Datecs Printers







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  • Java 89.3%
  • JavaScript 10.7%