This is one of my first game projects created in Unity, with the purpose of learning more about the engine, different game mechanics and simple enemy AI.
There are 2 different builds in this repo :
- "\Stick Engine Dungeon generator\BasicPlatformer2D.exe" is the dungeon generator scene with a couple of rooms arranged to make a map.
- "\Stick Engine Dungeon generator\Test levels\BasicPlatformer2D.exe" has a series of test stages with all of the current features available in this demo.
R - Restart the stage.
ESC - Pause the game.
Player 1 :
Arrow Keys - Move character.
Space - Jump.
Space x2 - Double Jump.
Space while on walls - Wall jump.
Shift - Sprint.
Ctrl - Teleport a short distance
Q - Fire the weapon (when equipped)
Player 2:
ASD - Move character.
W - Jump.