This app will help you export and import messages in RabbitMQ, Just set the config.json and execute the app.
ver 1401.04.21.1 :
- First release of this app
.Net 6
- Set your config.json, Like this :
"HostName": "localhost",
"UserName": "guest",
"Password": "guest",
"Port": 5672,
"VirtualHost": "/",
"Queue": "testqueue",
"MinMessageCount": 6,
"AutoAck": false,
"Type": 1 //export=0/import=1
- For export messages Set Type to 0
- If you want delete the messages after exporting them set AutoAck to true
- Run RabbitMQImportExport.exe
- Change Type to 1
- Set different queue (for test of course)
- Run RabbitMQImportExport.exe