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Cat & Dog Classifier

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Branch Metodology

Create new branch from main branch, work on the code, and PR to staging branch. Once all the CI tests run successfully, the staging will auto PR to main. The diagram below illustrates the flow:

  graph TD;
      A[main] -- 1. Create new from main --> B[new-branch];
      C[staging] -- 3. If CI tests pass --> A[main];
      C[staging] -- 4. If CI tests fail --> B[new-branch];
      B[new-branch] -- 2. PR to staging --> C[staging];

Note: The main and staging branches are protected (and deletion protected), you cannot directly commit or PR to the main branch. The only way to commit to main is to PR to straging. If the CI tests on staging passes, then the admin can do PR from staging to main. But, if the CI tests fail, you need to review the code, for we cannot PR to staging, thus cannot PR to main from staging.