A header only and out of the box tcp rpc framework written in C++.
Protocol is a template specified on compile time.
Server,Client and Session are all based on it.
using SizeType = unsigned short;
using CmdType = unsigned short;
using Protocol = rpc::Protocol<SizeType, CmdType>;
notice: SizeType should be unsigned.If not,there will be a assert on debug mode and the program will be abort.
All message communicates on this framework should be wrapped by rpc::Protocol::MessageWrapper.
Otherwise the compile will be failed.
template <typename Protocol::Cmd cmd, typename MessageType,
class MessageSizeGetter = DefaultMessageSizeGetter<MessageType, typename Protocol::Size>> //optional
Wrap your class with Cmd,Struct and SizeGetter(optional)
struct Foo1
int i;
double d;
// Use sizeof() to calculate wrapped struct by default if you do not specify SizeGetter.
using MsgFoo1 = Protocol::MessageWrapper<0x01, Foo1>;
struct Foo2
int i;
unsigned short textSize;
char text[120];
struct SizeGetter
unsigned short operator()(const Foo2 &foo) const
return sizeof(foo.i) + sizeof(foo.textSize) + foo.textSize;
// If the size of wrapped struct is variable,you could specify a SizeGetter to calculate the message.
using MsgFoo2 = Protocol::MessageWrapper<0x02, Foo2, Foo2::SizeGetter>;
Based on asio,rpc::Server
has a nice speed.
const char *const IP = "";
unsigned short port = 8890;
// specify listen address.
Server server(IP, port);
// could only bind message callback by struct wrapped by rpc::Protocol::MessageWrapper,
// that's why you need to specfify message cmd when using rpc::Protocol::MessageWrapper.
[](const MsgFoo1 &req, Session &session) -> void
std::cout << req->i << std::endl;
std::cout << req->d << std::endl;
// every session have a buffer which is large to max protocol size.
// also it is concurrent safe.
MsgFoo2 &ret2 = session.WriteBuffer();
ret2->i = 3;
static const char v[] = "Hello";
strcpy(ret2->text, v);
ret2->textSize = strlen(v);
// only class with Bytes() convert could be sent.
// all classes/struct wrapped by MessageWrapper has converter by default.
// this will block subsequent code.
const char *const IP = "";
unsigned short port = 8890;
// construct with server address.
Client client(IP, port);
// could only bind message callback by struct wrapped by rpc::Protocol::MessageWrapper,
// that's why you need to specfify message cmd when using rpc::Protocol::MessageWrapper.
client.Bind<MsgFoo2>([](const MsgFoo2 &req, Session &session) -> void
std::string_view sv(req->text, req->textSize);
std::cout << sv << std::endl;
// this will also block.So we use thread here.
std::thread([&]() -> void{ client.Start(); }).detach();
// WriteBuffer could be cast to any type wrapped by rpc::Protocol::MessageWrapper.
MsgFoo1 &msg = client.WriteBuffer();
msg->i = 1;
msg->d = 2;
// only class with Bytes() convert could be sent.
// all classes/struct wrapped by MessageWrapper has converter by default.
#include "include/rpc/server.h"
#include "include/rpc/session.h"
#include "include/rpc/client.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// All relevant classes is implemented with rpc::Protocol.
using Protocol = rpc::Protocol<unsigned short, unsigned short>;
using Server = rpc::Server<Protocol>;
using Client = rpc::Client<Protocol>;
using Session = rpc::Session<Protocol>;
struct Foo1
int i;
double d;
struct Foo2
int i;
unsigned short textSize;
char text[120];
struct SizeGetter
unsigned short operator()(const Foo2 &foo) const
return sizeof(foo.i) + sizeof(foo.textSize) + foo.textSize;
// wrap your own class with Protocol::MessageWrapper.
// Use sizeof() to calculate wrapped struct by default.
using MsgFoo1 = Protocol::MessageWrapper<0x01, Foo1>;
// If the size of wrapped struct is variable,you could specify a SizeGetter to calculate the message.
using MsgFoo2 = Protocol::MessageWrapper<0x02, Foo2, Foo2::SizeGetter>;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *const IP = "";
unsigned short port = 8890;
Server server(IP, port);
server.SetErrorHandler([](const asio::error_code &ec) -> void
{ std::cout << ec << " " << ec.message() << std::endl; });
[](const MsgFoo1 &req, Session &session) -> void
std::cout << req->i << std::endl;
std::cout << req->d << std::endl;
// every session have a buffer which is large to max protocol size.
// also it is concurrent safe.
MsgFoo2 &ret2 = session.WriteBuffer();
ret2->i = 3;
static const char v[] = "Hello";
strcpy(ret2->text, v);
ret2->textSize = strlen(v);
// only class with Bytes() convert could be sent.
// all classes/struct wrapped by MessageWrapper has converter by default.
std::thread([&]() -> void
{ server.Start(); })
Client client(IP, port);
client.SetErrorHandler([](const asio::error_code &ec) -> void
{ std::cout << ec << " " << ec.message() << std::endl; });
client.Bind<MsgFoo2>([](const MsgFoo2 &req, Session &session) -> void
std::string_view sv(req->text, req->textSize);
std::cout << sv << std::endl;
std::thread([&]() -> void{ client.Start(); }).detach();
MsgFoo1 &msg = client.WriteBuffer();
msg->i = 1;
msg->d = 2;