guessing game lab02 29-03-21
Questions | Answers |
How did this go,overall? | - smothly , so far. |
What observations or questions do you have about what you’ve learned so far? | - actully,i see that,the answers comes with practicing |
How long did it take you to complete this assignment? And, before you started, how long did you think it would take you to complete this assignment? | - it took almost half an hour , i thought its might need longer time |
The driver is Amara on Fadi's repo
- How did the pair programming process go in general? That was very good experience.
- Did you learn anything from your partner? If so, what? yes, I leant how to do some eidits in terminal
- What was the most difficult part of the assignment today? Everything was good
- What was the easiest part of the assignment today? Until now nothing is diffiult
- Anything else you’d like to share? I am a glad because I am learning programming everyday
- How long did it take you to complete this assignment? And, before you started, how long did you think it would take you to - complete this assignment? It takes around one hour and half and It was taken around 5 hours to accomplish if I worked on this before