A CTF-writeup tool
Initialize Standard Workspace
Initialize Customized Workspace according to the CTF
varnan init
varnan init --name CTF_NAME --ctf CTF_LINK --creds USERNAME:PASSWORD
Update the workspace according to the linked CTF Challanges and fetch realtime stats of CTF
varnan link --ctf CTF_LINK --creds USERNAME:PASSWORD
Show Total Points and total solved challanges in the CTF. If it was linked with a real online hosted CTF then it will also display overall rank of yours
varnan stats
List all the present CTF Catagories in the workspace
varnan category list
Add CTF Category in the workspace
varnan category add -c category_NAME
Remove CTF Category in the workspace
varnan category remove -c category_NAME
List all the present CTF Tasks in the workspace
varnan task list
Add CTF Task in the workspace
varnan task add -tn TASK_NAME --desc DESCRIPTION -c category_NAME --points POINTS --attatchments ATTATCHMENT_LINK
Remove CTF Task in the workspace
varnan task remove -tn TASK_NAME -c category_NAME
Mark CTF Task as solved
varnan task solve -c category_NAME -tn TASK_NAME --flag FLAG
Parse over all catagories and task to generate a final README file for whole CTF with proper formatting of solution and challange description.
varnan generate
- Push the complete Workspace to Github.
- Push Final README of CTF to Github.