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An app which stores all logs of VRI's: Verkeersregelinstallaties


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Waarnemingen voertuigen

This project is part of the waarnemingen cluster.

Project architecture

This project follows the setup used in multiple projects and is described here:

VLOG - VRI Log - Verkeersregelinstallatie Log

An app to store the VRI logs. The ESB sends files to the POST endpoint provided by this app. This app loops over the file and stores every line in a separate database record.


An app to store the reistijden of cars driving through Amsterdam. It's an endpoint to which XML files are posted.


This code base uses the timescaledb postgres extension. On Debian based systems it can be installed using

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:timescale/timescaledb-ppa
sudo apt install timescaledb-postgresql-12
yes | sudo timescaledb-tune
sudo service postgresql restart