Check out my personal collection in monorepo format here:

There are many programming libraries out there, and here is part of my own. The utilties here are written to be:
- Performant: Whatever approach is taken, whether naive or complex the overall result should be fast.
- Scalable: The algorithms and processes chosen are ideally linear or sublinear where possible.
- Memory Conscious: Functions don't allocate if they don't need to.
- Exceptionless: Functions don't throw exceptions if they don't need to.
This is just a landing page on my profile, click the image or one of the links below, for utilities for a particular language check out the other branches.
- C++ Branch - A collection of some of my personal c++ libraries
- forceinline - A header for a macro to force inline functions
- headers - A set of headers that groups common standard c++ headers together
- simple_benchmark - A single header for benchmarking, even smaller than nanobench!
- stack_vector - A header for a vector which lives on the stack
- inline_vector - A header to treat contiguous data like a vector in a span-like manner
- waterhash - An implementation of waterhash, but as a module and constexpr!
- wheathash - An implementation of wheathash, but as a module and constexpr!
- and more!...
- forceinline - A header for a macro to force inline functions - For those who want to take a peek at some of the gists I've written.
A number of these are being updated and moved into - For those who like to read you can find a few things I've written here.
Consider sponsoring for access to my private libraries and to keep me going. I'm currently moving my code over to
I'm aiming to build a large sponsorware repository. When I meet different sponsorship amounts per month I'll move contents from my sponsorware repository into the open source one. Feel free to contact me for library ideas you'd like to see on the dicussions tab! If you're the first person to suggest an idea and I think it deserves to be sponsorware I'll make sure you have access to it when I start working on it!