Releases: Andreas-Hum/numericalts
Hello, it has been a few weeks since last release. I have been working hard to add some new methods to the library. I have also updated some examples
What's new
Matrix methods added
*means the method is static
- abs
- adjugate
- cofactor
- cofactorMatrix
- cond (condition number)
- fourier (a simple implementation with both DFT and FFT as options) ' I plan on improving this in the future
- infNorm (the infinity norm)
- isEmpty*
- isDiagonal*
- isIdentity
- isInvertible
- isSymmetric
- manhattanNorm (the Manhattan norm)
- map
- max
- min
- nullify*
- pNorm
- rank
- removeColumn
- removeRow
- reshape* (now works with instances of Matrix and 1D arrays)
- sum
- trace
Math methods added
- max
- min
- nthRoot
- pow
- sum
Numerical class
- Complex numbers
Readme updated and two small bugs fixed
In this little patch i fixed two bugs concerning the toString() method in the Matrix class, While also updating the readme and docs
Release v0.6.0
Hello, with this release I have added the methods for a matrix determinant and for LU(P) decomposition. My plan for the next small release is to update the readme to follow the Numerical interface so people can see how it is used, and to add a few more matrix methods.
Comments and examples added
I have added more comments and examples to code
Numerical interface and matrix implementation
The numerical interface has now been implemented inside the Matrix class making it possible to define a custom class to use for calculations with a custom type
Migration from jest to Fast-check/jest
I have migrated the old testing system for a property based system in this case jest fast-check/jest
The first real small npm release