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Connecting watch and phone emulators step-by-step guide:

Step #1

Start the Phone Emulator and install the Android Wear Companion app via the following command

adb install

You can download the apk from here.

Step #2

Start the Wear-Emulator.

Step #3

Open the Android Wear App on the Phone Emulator. Accept the TOS and so on.

Step #4

Open your command prompt and make sure both emulators are recognized with the following command

adb devices

Output should be something like this:

List of devices attached
emulator-5554   device
emulator-5556   device

Find the phone emulator. You can find this by looking at the Window-Title of the emulator.

Step 6

Open your command prompt once again and start a telnet session on the port of your smartphone emulator:

telnet localhost 5556

Afterwards it'll try to connect and if it succeeds it'll show a new window saying something like this:

Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands OK

Now enter the following command:

redir add tcp:5601:5601

Afterwards it should say OK.

Step 7

Open the Android-Wear companion app once again and click on the watch-icon in the ActionBar and if everything worked it should connect to your Wear-Emulator.