Training and running scripts for a PyTorch transformer that generates music. (Excuse the low-effort commit messages. In my defense, I was getting a little lost in the debugging to care, and now's too late to change them.)
The architecture was the fairly standard Transformer decoder as seen in Vaswani et al.. Throughout my experiments, its hyperparameters were typically as follows:
- 256 - 2048 MIDI events of context length
- ~3 Transformer encoder layers
- 128 - 512 hidden linear layers
- 2-8 attention heads
- 32- to 126-dimensioned embedding vectors
Training data was a combination of MIDI piano pieces (primarily classical and romantic) from the MAESTRO Dataset and GiantMIDI-Piano, resulting in around 10,000 pieces.
The midi-neural-processor submodule was used. MIDI data was processed into 1-D tensors of integers from 0-387, each representing a MIDI event (change in note on/off status, time shift, and change in note dynamics), then saved as .pt files in a folder.
The train-test split was 80%-20%.
Adam was used for optimization. Before each epoch, a random mini-batch of .pt pieces was loaded, from which random sequence-prediction pairs were sampled for training. I used Weights & Biases to track my training progress.
I rented compute from to train my project. Training scripts were pulled from the Github onto the virtual machines using a few .ipynb commands.
Test loss achieved 3.99, well below the expected value. Unfortunately, the music generated was still audibly chaos.
It was good fun though.