- A bash script to assemble a chloroplast genome from long and short sequencing reads.
- Copy
into the directory where you will run the analysis - Activate your conda environment with the tools installed.
- Run:
bash plastid-assembly.sh -a adapters.fasta -b baits.fasta R1.fq R2.fq nano.fq
- Get chloroplast-only reads out of all the reads
- Filter and downsample if required
- Assemble
- Polish with long reads
- Polish with short reads
- Long reads, e.g. nanopore
- Short reads, e.g. Illumina R1 and R2
- An illumina adapters file, for trimming
- A baits.fasta file - sequences from a similar chloroplast genome to use to extract matching chloroplast reads from all the reads. I used three gene sequences from a similar species; the genes are likely to be fairly evenly spaced to allow matching reads to span the whole genome.
- extract chloroplast nanopore reads from all long reads
- keep a subset of these reads (longest, to x250 coverage) using filtlong
- assemble these with flye
- polish that assembly with the long reads themselves
- trim and filter illumina reads with fastp
- extract illumina chloroplast reads from all illumina reads
- downsample to X300 coverage with rasusa
- polish the flye assembly with the short reads, with pilon
- do an additional assembly with Unicycler, which uses both long and short reads
- do an additional assembly with miniasm, using long reads
- polish that assembly with minipolish and the long reads
- polish again with the short reads
- compare the assemblies with mummer - dnadiff, to get delta files (then view in http://www.assemblytics.com/)
- calculate stats for all read sets and assemblies with seqkit stats
- Polished chloroplast genome assemblies using long and short reads, from Flye, Unicycler and Miniasm/Minipolish.
- Upload the assembly fasta files to https://chlorobox.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/geseq.html if you want to annotate the genomes.
Installed with conda.
A conda env yml file is included this repo, with a record of the tools and versions used in the analysis, but this environment is platform-dependent (linux).